Smart double light switch with 2 live connections

Does anyone know of any smart light switches (UK spec and no neutral) that have support for two separate live connections ?

I’m trying to replace an existing dumb (double) switch in my kitchen which has two separate lighting loads that have their own live feeds - unfortunately they come from two separate circuits, so I can’t connect them together.
I bought a double aqara H1 thinking it would do the job… then found there were two live feeds when I went to swap it over, but the aqara has a single common live then two lighting load connections.

So I’ve just thought of a possible solution… I could hardware one load to always on, then as it has a slave switch elsewhere in the room just fit another aqara h1 there and set the first to decoupled mode so it doesn’t do anything with the relay… Then auto automations to trigger the slave switch when pressed .

Anyone see a reason that wouldn’t work?