Smart solar EV charging is fun and good for the energy transition, the hardware and software just work out of the ‘box’.
The integration in HA is a piece of cake with a a nice HACS integration.
One issue only: The charged energy is managed and measured, but not available for HA. The solution proposed by the SmartEVSE team is to install a separate EV meter. The data from this additional piece of hardware can be fed into the SmartEVSE system. This separate meter can be a formal requirement if you need accurate data for tax purposes or to bill your employer.
My solution is a free alternative for the EV meter, good enough if you just want to see and follow the data in and around your house.
All of this is achieved by creating 3 sensors:
First create a one or zero sensor indicating if your car is being charged:
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Charging Yes or No"
value_template: "{{ iif(is_state('sensor.smartevse_state_id', '2'), '1', '0') }}"
unique_id: s10
icon_template: mdi:battery-arrow-up-outline
This is needed because the charge current is available in the API/MQTT but retains it’s last value. So the power consumption is calculated as follows:
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Charge power"
unit_of_measurement: W
value_template: "{{ ((states('sensor.smartevse_charge_current')|float) * (states('sensor.dsmr_reading_phase_voltage_l1')|float ) * (states('sensor.smartevse_charging_10')|float ) ) | round(0) }}"
icon_template: mdi:ev-plug-type2
unique_id: scp
Now the last sensor to convert the power to energy with the Riemann integration:
- platform: integration
source: sensor.smartevse_charge_power
name: smartevse_charge_energy
unit_prefix: k
unit_time: h
round: 3
method: left
unique_id: sce
Just add the EV charged energy to your energy dashboard.
Have fun