Smart Garden Tap Water - On and Off

I’m getting a null return from the getWateringStatus API no matter what the state of the taplink device is. I’m wondering if anyone else is seeing this, it’s causing none of my automations to work.

Since I’ve not gotten this working yet I wanted to check with others before I contact link-tap. Note that I’m confident my values for username, API key etc. are correct since they are the same values I’m using to turn on the link-tap from HA and that works.

For brevity, here’s the postman payload that returns null. It returns null if I have the link tap running or if it’s turned off:

Post url:

    "username": "<my username>", 
    "apiKey": "<my api key>", 
    "taplinkerId": "<my tap link id for the watering device>"

Edit: i contacted their support team and it turns out this API only accepts the first 16 characters for the taplinkerId. They say they are planning on updating their documentation.

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Ive had a nightmare getting the correct fittings and fitting them in the box. I have got it working but as my fittings are not perfect and its not in a box and its 240V i’ve not used it. I think a 12v version will be safer?

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im able to make the rest calls in postman, but i cant seem to see any of the sensors showing up in my config (eg. battery) etc.

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so im trying to write all the values out into a sensor, so i have the data to review why it wont load, but this template sensor (linktap_alldata) doesnt give me anything either?

    # Access getalldevices API and read all data
  - platform: rest
    name: linktap_getalldevices
    verify_ssl: true
    scan_interval: 600  # 360
    method: POST
    payload: '{"username": "xxxx", "apiKey": "xxxx"}'
      - result
      - devices
    value_template: '{{ value_json.result }}'
      User-Agent: Home Assistant
      Content-Type: application/json
    # Access getWateringStatus API and read all data - this API can be read every 30 seconds which is more frequent and up to date than the getalldevices API that is 5 mins
  - platform: rest
    name: linktap_getwateringstatus
    verify_ssl: true
    scan_interval: 35
    method: POST
    payload: '{"username": "xxx", "apiKey": "xxx", "taplinkerId": "xxxx"}'
      - result
      - status
    value_template: '{{ value_json.result }}'
      User-Agent: Home Assistant
      Content-Type: application/json
  - platform: template     
        friendly_name: Linktap All Data
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.linktap_getalldevices.state }}'
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Have you hear anything new about this local api ?

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I’ve had success using the sample posted by TDM to access LinkTap. I’ve also tested out there API in Postman. Hence I can verify that as of today, the sample code does work. Of course, you need to get the GUIDS all correct.

At some point I’ll extend what TDM did to add some additional stuff I see in the API.

At the same time I’ve been super impressed with the LinkTap iPhone app. Lots of detail and capability. Really a great product. So good I bought an additional G2 system to water the garden at the cabin.

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Got a LinkTap GS2 and am looking to get it going any week now when it gets a little warmer outside here in Sweden (minus 5 C the other night…).

Anyway, was thinking, is it possible to add it to Home Assistant without using the gateway?

My Zigbee network through Conbee is starting to get extremely robust with almost 20 units spread over most parts of the house. I recon the mesh functions will be lost with the gateway, right? Would be great if it could be added to HA directly…

You cant use it witth Zigbee because they dont follow the standard. I tried to sniff but that didnt work cause they dont use the standard zigbee security key.

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+1 i messaged them too and they explained the same thing

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Just had a quick chat with support about local api and if there is any ETA

Sound quite interesting…


Thanks guys, much appreciated. No biggie to work with their gateway.

Really looking forward to get these things going. The tomato plants are looking great indoors, but it is getting crowded on the growth station. Need to get them into the green house rather soon, but the temperature just won’t stay over 0 night time… :slight_smile:

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awesome -great news


I emailed them just now and Linktap Support said that the beta will be available in about 4 weeks from now. Can’t wait! There is also a new version of the app coming out in a week.


Sounds good. I generally don’t buy “smart” devices that aren’t compatible with my HA, but I made an exception when I read abut this API.

They will make more money by supporting hackers than not, I think.

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Any update on that local api for linktap?

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Its not been 4 weeks yet. I’ll contact them again at the 28day mark.

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I contacted them today. They need another week before beta testing starts. I’ll update when I know more.

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Any more updates?

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just contact them…
I am waiting at the moment for my gateway to be updated to try it out.
Seems like you will be able to control via mqtt.

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Wow that is like a dream can you please share it?

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