FWIW, my voltage and power readings are very accurate with the factory multipliers using the script I posted above.The voltage measurement is taken between the line inputs and the neutral connection, so I would recommend making sure those terminals are connected correctly.
I also have an Emporia Vue Utility Connect which downloads my usage directly from my meter via Zigbee, and I’ve plotted the two for the past 24 hours for comparison (Chronograf plotting mean values).
I need to continue to monitor mine since it still seems a little off. If I compare multiple days to my energy company readings it seems to add up to be pretty close, but if I compare the hour by hour it’s still fairly off (like by more than 30% each hour)
In the mean time I do have a question, whenever Home assistant reboots it reruns the script, but it seems to recount what was already included before the restart. Would this be fixed by enabling the retain MQTT option?
For example my server restarts at 4am so HA shows the usage for those hours and then after the restart it will show the cumulative of all those hours at 4am as well
Yes, their servers seem to be down. The miss is normal because you are not specifying any payload to send to the api. As for the HA Button see these screenshots.
I reached out to their support email and apparently all of my issues were due to the metal of the antenna connector touching the breaker box. After fixing it, no more weird multiplier issues and my usage is very similar to my electric companies
Well, their servers are back up and letting it sit overnight seems to have updated the firmware so I have the HA button. Patience is a virtue that I often lack.
The next issue I ran into was that despite having the proper credentials, my mqtt broker was saying that the client was unauthorized. My password ended up being too long. The solution was to add a new mqtt user just for the meter.
I too am interested in flashing to ESPHome if/when it becomes available.
I just put two into service this weekend using the built-in local MQTT option.
Before installing, I cracked it open and found an ESP32-S3, not a C3 as others reported. The board is also slightly different to accommodate the different package.
I have 2 connected to my main panel, 28 total breakers. Been trying for weeks to integrate into HA. This thread has been extremely helpful. Thank you. But I am still having a problem. MQTT Broker is configured and connected, I can see in the LOG that I am getting publish messages from semmeter around 360 bytes per message, I have added the sample code to config.yaml and all the entities are present though display no data. Am I missing something or do I just need to wait?
I noticed something strange last night and spent a few hours trying to chase down this mysterious consumption. My basement / man cave on stand-by consumption went up 5x to 6x. I started unplugging things and was able to get it down to 0w when I unplugged my OLED TV. Spent hours playing with the settings on my TV. Almost factory reset my TV, removing all apps.
Long story short, It wasn’t my TV. A Kill-a-watt meter shows less than one watt, and this SEM-Meter still shows multiple times more. Finally got it resolved by unplugging the 4 wire power source from this meter and letting it reboot.
The wait should only be a few minutes. I would recheck the MAC. These devices have 2, one which is the bluetooth MAC and the other is WIFI. These put the messages out by the Bluetooth MAC if I remember correctly.
I am using the MAC that shows up in the MQTT Broker Log messages.
I was able to correct my errors. I have all working. Again thanks for the info provided in this thread
Thank you for this tip! I think this was the source of some weird readings on my installs! My voltages were ~2x what they should be and very irregular. The energy usage for a day were around 50% too high according to the energy company’s readings. I included a grommet in my install and now the voltages are right where I expect them to be. It’s interesting that the kWh numbers from my main panel and subpanel still agreed almost perfectly.