Smart IR Heater

Hello, I’m looking for an infrared heater that switches on smartly at 300 and 600 and possibly 900 W if the free energy export to the grid exceeds the respective values.
With a 300 W IR heater, it’s easy to do with a Shelly can.

What does it look like with higher performance. Can I control a large device smartly via shelly with heating levels or do I need a smart IR heater?
Some manufacturers also supply an external Wifi thermostat. Does something like this work?
Who has experience with something like this and can give me tips? Thanks !

Hey, i’m looking for the same solution.
Did you find anything or got it working?

I did not found one. I replace my 900W heater with a 400W. All thermostat I found are work as a switch not as a dim.

Wich type of Panels/heater did you install? And what type of thermostate?