Smart Lights

Hi All,

Im new to Home Assistan before was smarthings user
Now using Home Assistan x86 and want to make my lights smart not just remote lights from app or alexa but smart more without user interaction at all
All house have Philips Hue Lights around 50 hue lights in total and all rooms have Hue Pir sensors with lux readings
and all room have Hue version 1 Dimmer Switches
I can add another lux sensor outside as well to have control of lux level outside Maybe hue outside Pir sensor etc
I know little about rules creation and struggle to see bigger picture how to make smart rules

Create rules with these parameters :
I walk in the bedroom rule check the time “I want to have diferent Light power for diferent times” and if the bedroom is dark "we checked lux level from Hue " but oustide is sunrise Lights turn on anyway because this bedroom is dark for my criteria
Now after i walk out and PIR do not detect movement lights off

Now what happens if we walk again in minute time there is problem Hue sensor do not respond lux levels so quickly so the rule now chekcs lux reading and they will be high as lights was on and hue didnot respon new Lux reading Is it posible to add like a timer crietria for lux reading ? So I can add timer say for 3 Min and rule will be executed as we know that bedroom is dark

and timer will update new lux readings after lights was off for longer then 3 minutes

Maybe someone have similar rules and would like to share to put me on the right patway to create the rules I do understant if this happens then this Just struge with maybe rules in side rules creation

and because we have manual hue switches so switches will overide any rule is going before we turn off the lights with switch etc

Many thanks

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