💡 Smart lux dimmer - Adjust light brightness depending on light sensor value

The max brightness value is set at 1000 lux becuase I figured there would be no need to go any higher. (I don’t think you’d need any light turned on if the ambient light value is already at 1000 lux)
Is there a specific use case you’re looking at?

This is amazing! I’m impressed with how natural this feels, I have not paid any attention to light levels for a long time :slight_smile:

But, I have a question. I have spots where the brightness is oversized so that I normally only use around 40% of the maximum brightness. However, when I have to do some work or cleaning, I would like to increase the intensity, but then smart lux overrides.

What is the best way to be able to override smart lux for a short time?

Think something like “if light intensity has been changed manually, set smart lux to pause for 30 minutes for the zone in question”

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Thank you!
Not particularly, I was just asking. I found the “Brightness when ambient light value over max setting” and i’m using this over 1000 lux.

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There are conditions that can be set.
I actually have a similar situation, where it dims my lights dynamically in the stairwell, but when we’re cleaning there you’d want the lights to be set at 100%.
We simply have a boolean helper that we set and it prevents the blueprint from running.

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I think that use case will be very limited, so I’m not modifying the blueprint for everyone.
However, should you feel the need to change it, you could just modify it yourself using the studio code server or a similar add-on.
If you change the max brightness value on line 166 that should allow you to set it to a higher value.
Don’t forget to refresh the automations afterwards: Developer Tools > YAML > YAML configuration reloading and click on ‘Automations’.

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Installed it yesterday. Works great with my HUE motion sensor. Thank you for your effort

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Great to hear!

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Your template works amazing for me as well. One thing, which I think might be missing is, that the automation is triggered automatically once movement is detected. Currently it does only seem to trigger the automation once the light detection sensor is changing, therefore I trigger the automation externally if movement is detected. How do you solve that?

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Hi @headless,

It’s not missing, it’s just not a feature of this blueprint. The goal here was to have dynamic light based on the light that’s available in the environment.

If you want to use other triggers, I would encourage you to look at my other blueprint: The Everything Light - Trigger a light any way and turn it on in any way
The dynamic lighting setting in that blueprint is based on the logic from this one, but it allows you to use any trigger, including a motion sensor.