Smart Meter Texas API SSL

So, like others, the basic SMT integration stopped working mid-November.

I bit the bullet and obtained the SSL cert and initiated the official API request with SMT to access their official API.

The offshore SMT help desk says I’m ready to test, but are there any instructions on how to implement the certs within HA to get this rolling? I assume I can use the standard REST instructions to return SMT data, after I get these certs applied.

I guess another question may be if it’s possible to have multiple SSL certs in play?

I don’t plan on putting a cert in place to access HA from outside my home network, for example, but by adding a cert to access this vendor’s API, I don’t want to eliminate the possibility of doing that down the road.

Thoughts? Pointers?

you know there’s an edit button right?

Yes, that would be the pencil. But what’s your point? How does that address SSL installation?

less is more

did you try creating a python script and use the request module to get the data back via their api? you probably need to configure it with an oauth2 token to get the xml data back. you get the xml data, parse the data and send it over vita mqtt

No, I haven’t done anything like that - I’m afraid that’s a bit over my head. SMT has applied my public cert on their end, and their API access method will still require my account credentials to access. I was going to attempt adding all their params to my rest.yaml file along with other, non-related API integrations I already have in place.

I just didn’t know what or how to apply the .key and .cer files on the HA side to allow the connection to their API to be authenticated.

Apparently, it’s not a common need, given little to no info on how to do it, other than to secure the main HA environment.

So is it even possible to apply a cert to a single API process, and not just to globally protect HA?

I’ve been trying to implement reading SMT into HA for a while. Around the time I started looking into it none of the solutions leveraging the unofficial web API were working. I registered my certificate and IP and have kept them up to date. But I had trouble getting the API calls to work.

Just recently I was reading another thread and was pointed here: GitHub - johnavich/SMT-NodeRed-Official: NodeRed Official API Connection to SmartMeterTexas

Got it set up and mostly working. Few hiccups. The author writes the values to MQTT which I don’t use. So I changed it to record into Influx DB. Once I know it’s reliable I’ll work on sending the data to HA.

Well, I’m certainly interested if you don’t mind sharing. I haven’t done anything with MQTT yet, and am not sure where to start.

I was looking at the curl example for the official API, from the same thread you referred too, but again, have not had any luck figuring out where that code is supposed to live, or where to put the cert files. Seemed like implementing a curl sensor would have been a more straightforward way to get that info in, but the fact that I haven’t seen more chatter around it makes me think I may be going down another rabbit hole…