Smart Meter Texas problem


I’m having problems with the Smart Meter Texas integration. Whenever I try to login it says: “Failed to Connect”

I’m not sure how to get logs for this addon but if you need them I’ll find them for you!


I have this problem too. This is a known issue and has been around since late 2021.

Doesn’t matter really. Here in Texas, the next freeze or heat wave and you’ll have nothing to meter anyway. :slight_smile:

I tried the fix of adding www to the BASE_HOSTNAME variable but it didn’t work.

Use pysmtreader instead.

I have this running in a docker, it reports your data to your homeassistant. Readings fail on and off at times, but overall it’s half descent

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Thanks. I got it up and running and the entity is in home assistant, but I am not able to add it to the Energy Dashboard even though it says you added that feature yesterday. Do you know why?

Nevermind! You added it to the github but haven’t updated docker yet with the new config.

I edited the file in the docker dir and it seems to work!

Yes, I added the properties to the sensor created by pysmtreader. You’d still have to update to the latest version, so it should work now. Been meaning to do that for a while.

So, do I need to have home assistant working on docker to us this solution? Mine is running on Pi4

You do not. It will work either way


I am trying to run this using Docker running on a Synology NAS. I’ve updated the config file, and I put it in a folder like this image.

I’m using the docker hub version. image

The docker log shows the information below:

I’m not sure what I need to adjust to get it working. Any help would be great!

Thanks in advance!

Hmm… so now I’m just getting “Getting auth token”

I think this is a problem on their end. I’m getting the same thing now. My logs show I stopped receiving data on Nov 11, and since then i’m getting the same error you are.

urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))

Not really sure if we can do anything about that on our end, but i’m no expert, so I could be wrong.

ok, the integration stopped working on Nov 11 for me ( which is why I started looking into this as an alternative. Dang it :frowning: It appears they are requiring a static IP address for someone to be given access to the API. Seems not functional.

Same here. Both setups would use the same API, so if they cut that off, that’s why.
FWIW, I remember seeing that notice about static IP before, but I dont think they actually enforced it, so who knows.

It’s back. My data had stopped after Nov 11, but at 8:00 this morning it started back up again.

Same here. Hope it stays on :grinning:

Oh nice, thanks for the heads up!

Is pysmtreader still working for you guys? I installed the built-in integration last week. It worked for about 3 days, then stopped. I’m running HAOS so I’m not sure how to properly use pysmtreader without docker.

Posting in case my experience may help others who, like me got confused between the TXU web site and the SmartMeterTexas web site:

I had the integration working just fine for many months, but decided to change my password at the TXU (utility) web site. So I figured that I should also change the password on my HA integration for SMT. So I re-installed the SMT integration. Sure enough, I got an incorrect password error. So I waited a couple days, thinking it took time to sync up.

I made repeated attempts to re-set up the SMT integration, with no luck.

Finally, I went back to basics, followed the instructions step-by-step. That’s when I realized that there is a separate web site for, with its own, separate password.

It showed me that my account had been locked because of too many incorrect attempts. Resetting the password got me back to successfully getting the integration reset.

Looks like i lost my integration a few weeks ago and not matter what I do I can’t get it to login anymore. I am using the same user and password that I use on Smart Meter Texas.