Smart Mirror 2018

Hello there,
Could you recommend a smart mirror that can be integrated with or google home?

I came across this two-year-old article: and most of the smart mirrors seems to require significant DIY effort and not necessarily have good integration with home.

I wonder what changed since then? Did any of these ideas evolved or is there any solution that is able to integrate with GH and easily?
Do you have smart mirror in your home, how hard was it to build one and what can it do?

Appreciate your help,

Well I think it is largely DIY, I haven’t personally seen any commercial projects.

I think if you want to control (as opposed to just seeing information) then a touchscreen would be the way to go, and I have seen a few mirror projects with touch built in. In fact there is one on the page you pointed to.

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Hi @nickrout
Do you know if they all mostly based around MagicMirror²?


Not sure, but why not just run home assistant?

how to do this with HA? I.e. how to show on mirror display weather, etc

Look at some of the Lovelace cards.

Did you ever get this project done? I’m looking at creating something too. I want to know the best route

not yet but planning for feb :slight_smile: