Smart Oil Guage

Was able to get to work by fully restarting HA. I thought i simply could do the quic restart…

I switched to the new Smail Oil Duo, and it appears to be using an ESP chip. I wonder if it’s possible to get ESP Home running on it and feed data directly into HA?

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Howdy all. I have the Smart Oil Duo also, and the multiscrape method I think is working for me. I’m only able to see the gallons, however, I can’t see the other attributes. I did just set it all up, but I’m wondering if I’m missing something or maybe it will just take time to show all the attribute values.

EDIT: Never mind, I’m an idiot. You have to expand the bottom of it to see the attributes.

I will ask another question, however… Is there a way to somehow see ALL the data that the multiscrape has access to? Perhaps gallons used, or per day/hr, etc?

@JSylvia007 Yeah, log into the website and in the developer tools look at the reply.
Then edit the multiscraper code from this post to add the attributes you would like:

You should be able to create this sensor yourself using the history stats integration. I use that with a power monitor on my boiler to track my daily oil use and what’s left in the tank.

This is just an update for anyone with two tanks. First, thanks to @Zalaban for this; it’s working great.

Copy the " Extract required data here" and create a second sensor. Update the it with “1” instead of “0”.

node.status({text:msg.payload.tanks[1].sensor_rt + " gal: " + msg.payload.tanks[1].sensor_gallons});
msg.payload = msg.payload.tanks[1].sensor_gallons;
return msg;

I’m guessing so, but given is free after paying for the device I figured it’s easier to let them do the fun math and scrape it. If they ever charge I will be looking at ESPhome for sure.

Hi all,
I am completely new to home assistant and node-red.
Could someone post a step by step guide on how to install this?
I tried to copy the script directly in the configuration yaml through file editor and I imported the node-red flow from Zalabn but nothing happens. Not even sure if I need to do these 2 steps.
I know I am missing something so a step by step guide would be highly appreciated.
Thank you

Hi Peter,

Are you using node-red just for this? Cause in that case the multiscrape addon might be an easier way for you to achieve loading the data into HA.

Either way, for node-red and HA to work well correctly if you just installed node-red is that you need to install the homeassistant palette (node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket) into node-red and configure the node-red addon into homeassistant (have you done that?)