Smart Plug suggestions? (Teckin SP10 will not flash to Tasmota)

I’ve been using Tasmota on some Teckin lights for the past few months and everything has been working perfectly so I decided to pick up some Teckin SP10 plugs to flash as well and I’m sad to see that these models no longer use a Tasmota compatible chip.

I would still like to replace the Belkin Wemo plugs that I have but I would like to use something with an opensource firmware. Anyone have suggestions on a plug I can order? I managed to get 4 Teckin for $35 Canadian so something in that range would be AMAZING! :slight_smile:

On a related note, don’t buy the SP10 for Tasmota. It’s a crap shoot as to whether or not you get a model that will flash (especially newer plugs).

I’m also looking for esphome/tasmota-compatible smart plugs. I’m using a few sonoff-pow’s now but looking for something smaller.

Anyone that uses esphome with smaller plugs? I’m looking for EU plugs.

I’m happy with the neo coolcam 16A. Using tuya-convert to flash them, are small and have power monitoring.

I just bought some SP10’s not knowing they wouldn’t work. I tried every way to use tuya-convert on them without luck. I assume they are no longer using the ESP8266 chips?

Two possibilities :
1/ they no longer use ESP8266 chips
2/ they already have the latest tuya firmware, in which case tuya-convert again does not work.

Hard to tell without opening one.

I’m my case it wasn’t using an esp.

Bad thing, tuya is using less and less esp chips.

I just got a couple of Teckin SP10’s from Amazon and can confirm that they can’t be flashed (but they can be returned :smile: ).

Does anyone have any suggestion for a US plug that can be flashed with Tasmota?

Managed to order the gosund plugs and they worked though I had to try to flash each one twice before Tuya convert would “see” the plug.

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I picked up a set of these BN-LINK ( and they flashed easily (returned my Teckin SP10’s). They’re obviously much bigger, but don’t block the second outlet. When you use the right Tasmota template, you can also see power usage. Pretty cool!!!


I’m trying to get these exact BN-Link plugs flashed to tasmota. I’ve been attempting with Tuya-convert. Can you tell me what utilities and steps you used to flash them?


Guys, if you just recently buying new tuya product then you are out of luck. Tuya Convert have been plugs or close. You can easily check the logs, when it say that your product code start with 02 instead of 01 then you wont be able to use tuya convert.

Your other options is to manually push the FW but that will be painfull and mostly you will ruin a good product.

So, the solutions… is

  1. use tuya integrations (I know its suck)
  2. use local tuya integrations (yes, I know its damn difficult)
  3. open up your device and find the GPIO and change the FW manually (tuya product used glue instead of screew so, prepare to have a broken device)
  4. wait till someone figure it out how to broke tuya with a new tuya convert.

I hope this will help…

This is super sad. Tuya convert was so good!

i have teckin sp10 smart plug too. i was trying to flash it with tuya convert first time yesterday, knocking my head against wall until i found this thread. so sad man it no longer works with teckin. any other workaround to get it into homeassistant ?

Go with localtuya which is the closes you can get which is not an easy task, but if there a will you can always do it.

sorry i did not understand. can you please share any link ?

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i will give it a shot over weekend. looks not that hard.