Smart relay for metal junction boxes?

Hello, I have a house full of metal junction boxes nearly ready for switches and am getting into the smart home planning a little late. I see that the Shelly smart relays don’t work in metal boxes - if I had known this I would have gone with plastic.

Are there workarounds - e.g., intercept the line between the box and lamp with a Shelly box, or some way of coaxing Shellys to work inside the metal boxes? Or maybe the metal box will not be a big problem in our smaller house (about 50’ long, HA server in the middle)?

Failing that, any advice for metal-box compatible smart switches or relays that won’t break the bank? I have been eyeing two z-wave plus switches, the Homeseer and GE Embrighten, along with companion switches but they both are pricey for filling out a house.

I do like the Shelly solution if the antennas can be made to work, as I have some DHT22’s to place around the house and it would save me wiring them all up separately to run to an arduino. On the other hand what I have read about the high operating temperature of those units makes me a little nervous.

Any advice welcome, thank you in advance!

I have the same question, I’m working in a building with nothing but metal boxes

Look for devices with external antenna’s such as:

Aeotec dimmers and relays

Then push the antenna through a small hole in the metal enclosure.