Smart Roborock skript for cleaning/mopping selected rooms

So basically I have only little understanding of Jinga2 and I thought some of you could help me. (If someone could make this into a template it would be great, because I think many of us could use it)

What I’m trying to achieve:
Create two scripts/services with a custom data input:

  • one for cleaning selected rooms (or when left empty every room)
  • one for mopping selected rooms (1-go to specified location to attach water tank. 2-clean selected rooms. 3-drive to selected point again to detach the water tank. 4-drive back home)

-Roborock has numbers 1-20 for detected rooms. It would be nice to give them a friendly name. (So call script with data “bedroom; kitchen” instead of “12;19”
-Sending me a actionable notification when I should attach/detach the water tank

If anyone has ideas about how to implement this please let me know. :smile:

For the first part have a look at my script. The only difference is mine is only for one room, but you can modify it to works with multiple rooms. Script have comments so I thing is easy to understand.

  alias: vacuum_clean_room
  - alias: Get room id using input select
     # get room string from input select
      target_room_selector: input_select.vacuum_target_room
      # map each room number with a string with a dictionary
        Select one room: 0
        Bedroom: 16
        Kitchen: 17
        Living room: 18
        Bathroom: 20
        Hall: 21
      # get target room to clean
      target_room: '{{ room_map[states(target_room_selector)] | int}}'
   # check that one room was selected
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ target_room != 0 }}'
  # call service to clean selected room
  - service: xiaomi_miio.vacuum_clean_segment
      entity_id: vacuum.roborock_vacuum_m1s
      # segments should be an array of numbers if more than one room want to be cleaned
      segments: '{{ target_room }}'
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That looks cool (although I only roughly understand what is going on there :sweat_smile:)
Can you explain how to modify it to do multiple rooms?

I think in the visual editor I should be able to modify the script to go to the water tank before and after cleaning.

About water tank I don’t know it because mine doesn’t have mop function.

About the script, I think best approach is to create input_boolean (helper) entities for each room. For example:

    name: Hall
    initial: false
    icon: mdi:floor-plan
    name: Kitchen
    initial: false
    icon: mdi:silverware-fork-knife
    name: 'Living room'
    initial: false
    icon: mdi:sofa

And in the script check for all entities, when one is on, add it number to the array.
In last line in the “segments” you need to give the array with room numbers.

  alias: vacuum_clean_room
  - alias: Get room id using input select
      # store room number in array if room is on
      target_rooms: >-
        {% set rooms = [] %}
        {% if states('input_boolean.vacuum_floorplan_hall_selected') == 'on' %}
            {% set rooms = rooms + [21] %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if states('input_boolean.vacuum_floorplan_kitchen_selected') == 'on' %}
            {% set rooms = rooms + [17] %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if states('input_boolean.vacuum_floorplan_living_room_selected') == 'on' %}
            {% set rooms = rooms + [18] %}
        {% endif %}
   # check that almost one room was selected
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ target_rooms | length > 0 }}'
  # call service to clean selected rooms
  - service: xiaomi_miio.vacuum_clean_segment
      entity_id: vacuum.roborock_vacuum_m1s
      # segments should be an array of numbers if more than one room want to be cleaned
      segments: '{{ target_rooms }}'

I think it should work, but I didn’t tested.

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