Smart Roller blinds with Solar

Hi im looking for some advice on what to get for a smart roller blinds

Ideally im looking at something that is solar powered that i can control open/close (open midway is optional but not necessary)

So far i have seen this:

But using RF as a communication protocol is meh

Also i only had curtains so far. so i dont even know how those tube fit in
Where do i get the actual roller shade to begin with and what should i look for? (Tube size only? is this standard?)

I am in canada if that help

This kit is used to motorise an existing roller blind, the 38mm tube refers to the tube diameter of that blind. I believe that Somfy also have a solar blind option controlled by Tahoma.

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I personally use motors from rollerhouse which I retro-fitted in my existing roller blinds
You just need to make sure you get the right size (inner tube diameter), otherwise it’s really a piece of cake to set up.
You will require an RF hub like RFXTrx or RFLink

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Actually what im refering to “as a person who never had a roller blinds”
Does the inner tube diameter in roller blinds comes as a standard?

If a roller blind manufacturer says its 38mm, and the motorised tube is also 38mm, i can just fit it in?
like no special catch like special connectors for the tube or anything of the like?

If you don’t have blinds yet you have 2 options

  • buy motorised blinds like the ikea fyrtur or kadrilj
  • buy regular blinds then buy the motors

First option is trouble free as long as you can connect to them, the second option means you can buy the blinds style you want. You might even be able to specify what tube you want. I’d personally request a 38mm tube. From my searches I found more motors for that size. Also they tend to be powered by 110-240v meaning more powerful and no need for an adapter. If you prefer solar power you’ll probably end up with a 12v powered ones