Smart Switch help / ideas needed

Hello! I have a zigbee smart switch that physically changes the position of the light switch in our garage. The light gets left on often and the state in HA doesn’t necessarily match up with if the light is on or off since it’s a three-way switch. I normally use the Enerwave ZWN-RSM1 boxes but can’t this time because of the wiring configuration and I can’t use another style of smart switch since my wife doesn’t like the look of paddle switches so I’m a little stuck. I’m looking for a way to tell HA the true state of the lights (on or off) based on if power is getting to the socket. Maybe a smart bulb? I’d like HA to turn off the lights if they are on after 10pm. I’m not sure how to go about this and wanted to see if anyone has worked on this type of issue before. Thanks!

I got an automation going using Node Red that checks my motion/illumination sensor between sunset and dawn which toggles the switch if the luminance is over 10%. If the lights are on, they come in around 25. So this is working at night but I’d love a way to know the light is powered on during the day. Anyone have a suggestion?