Smart Things Machine Sensor State and Automation Issues

I’ve been using the Smart Things integration to get state updates for my washer and dryer. I would then run automations based on the state change (notifications of a finished job). This stopped working several weeks ago. I did some digging this afternoon and this is what I found.

If I look at the sensor history in HA, I can see it change from one state to another (i.e. stop to run to stop). For some reason these state changes that I can observe in the sensor history are not triggering my automations.

If I look at the state under Dev tools >> states I can see the state change appropriately. However when I go to edit my automation, under triggers I have State selected, when I go to the dropdown for the “To” field, I would expect to see the known states of the sensor (i.e. stop, run) which is what I saw when I set up the automation. Now my only options are

Any State (ignoring attribute changes)

I manually put in the state I want to act on which in this case is stop, even though it’s not a selectable option. Now, if I manually tirgger the state change via the dev tools >> state’s page, it triggers the notification, but if the state changes naturally by using the washer or dryer, the automation never triggers.

Something else I’ve noticed is that state changes from the washer and dryer do not generate logbook entries. However, if I trigger a state change manually, those get logged to the log book.

Any assistance is appreicated!

Can we see the automation that isn’t working?

Yea of course

alias: Washer Notification - State Stop
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.washer_washer_machine_state
    to: stop
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Lower Washer Stopped
      message: "Lower washer cycle has completed or been interrupted "
mode: single

Looks very straightforward. Have you checked the issues page on Github? There seem to be other people with washing machine problems.

I have the same issue, have you found a solution?

Yes, I realized that this broke when I upgraded my reverse proxy for home assistant, which increased the TLS version for external connections to home assistant to TLS 1.3. downgrading to TLS 1.2 solved the problem. TLS 1.3 wasn’t supported by Smart Things at the time