Smart wifi irrigation system for your backyard

I made a smart wifi controlled irrigation system for my backyard using Solenoid Valve, Sonoff via MQTT, Home Assistant Automation and trigger from a cloud to home assistant after analysing weather and local usage data.

Thought will share here in case anyone thinking of doing similar.

There’s also a YouTube video:

Thanks to Dr ZzS for his inspiring video series.

Hi Ali,

Can you explain a little bit more on how you made it, what are you using, …?
Some more infos would be good
Share your project imply a little bit more information so other people can use this idea on their setup.


Hai sorry, I accidentally hit the post button before writing the complete post. It is now complete. Should be detailed enough. Let me know if I am missing anything.

yea, that is good, thank for sharing.
I was finding this a little bit strange and i was interested in the idea.

There’s some information here about adding schedules and not watering if it will or has been raining: