I would like to share my smartdesk project documentation which is a summary of what Flotomation did and posted on Instagram 1 and 2. I believe Instagram is a terrible approach to share the code and all details needed for such a project, hence I documented my version of it.
I have an Ikea Rodulf and came across this as I’m thinking of making it “smart” but looking at your links I can see references to D1 D2 D4 D7 and D8 of the ESP but there’s only 3 wires in the controller? Confused as to how this should be hooked up?..
I also have a Rodulf table. I’m also not quite sure how the RJ45 extension is connected to the ESP board and the table.
It would be cool if someone here could provide detailed instructions. Thanks in any case for your initial work @jensihnow!