Smarter Coffee / iKettle

Do any of the solutions above work with the iKettle 3 (I don’t own one currently, but am thinking of purchasing, so I can’t test any of them out), or is the only integration possible via a webhook and IFTTT?

Any luck with the Smarter IKettle v3?


Hi All,

Been a little slow to the table with this!

Is this still working? if so can someone show me the config.yaml setup details using REST? I have been trying toget it working for hours but the config is failing on reboot in HA. I have installed the Add-On without any issues.

oh and i have the V2 kettle


ive been using @thex brilliant addon for some time now and have had no problems with it, I appreciate this is pretty late to the game, but i’ve just submitted a PR to expose the Waterlevel as a sensor as i was constantly calling to turn the kettle on without water in it. i’ve now created a script to check the Waterlevel before turning it on… still testing it but it seems to work.

so what is the latest version of smarter ikettle integration to use ? i know thi sthread is old but any advice welcome.

I have the kettle and the coffe machine

@thex i have installed this to HA as per your guide and all looks positive, however all my IOT devices are ona seperate subnet from my HA instance.

Is there any changes that can be made to the autodiscovery process to search the other subnet or is there a way of specifing device IP addresses to look up ?

Thanks in advance

got the following feedback from github … does anyone know how this would translate to the HA add-on ?

think the problem is it only scans the default vlan with udp packages...
it uses broadcast assumption: no broadcast packages ever get
to the vlan, except the default vlan...

there is an option to bind a relay server from the vlan to localhost...

see relay section readme...

ibrew dump relay in:DEBUG,out:DEBUG
ibrew dump relay in:DEBUG,out:DEBUG

then it should auto detect the machines.... if home assistant is running on
the same machine...

Are you folks building the @thex docker image from scratch or is it published on a registry somewhere?

This is handled by the addon setup if you use the supervisor

I’m using a docker install, so that isn’t an option. I also just discovered that my kettle is a 3.0, and I guess those use a different API so this tool won’t work, correct? :frowning:

Right, would not work with a 3.0

I managed to get this working somewhat with ifttt. Somehow they have figured out a way to interop with a 3.0. As for me? I can’t even find the port it listens on

Regarding v 3.0 iKettle i have received email from Smarter support.
Sounds not promising…

I have figured out how to make this integration work. If anyone wants to help out with the home assistant side, let me know

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I’m certainly not an expert but keen on getting my iKettle v3 exposed for HA automations so happy to help however I can!

How far have you got / what on the HA side do you need to work out @kbirger ?

I’ve got a poc in node js that will do password auth and have a repl with most of the functions of the kettle.

There may be some bugs because I notice that when I place a command, it stays in the database even after completion, but right now, it has no effect.

Basically, it’s a script that loads up, authenticates, gets some basic info, then let’s you use a command line to watch kettle status and send commands.

What I need to do is create a custom integration, with config flow, take user input for username and password (I don’t really see another way), store auth tokens, publish entities, and act as a firebase client (replicating my poc).

I generally know how a HA integration is developed, but haven’t researched how to do a good config flow, and haven’t played much with publishing entities.

If you’re interested in helping with that part, we can work together.

I’m a heavy Node-RED user myself, and have been looking for some kind of HA integration with my iKettle for a long time. Would you consider sharing the N-R flow with us?

Unfortunately I’m not a Python dev so I can’t help with building a HA integration… :frowning:

I’m not doing node-red. I’m just doing a local poc that happens to be in node. can share the code to it in a few days.

In the mean time you can assume you’ll be using the firebase npm package, with web sockets, and needing to store securely your smarter credentials and auth / refresh token.

All operations go through firebase.

Here’s my POC


Hi, I’m having a basic problem with my ikettle - I can’t find its ip address on my network! I am able to control it using the app, the app tells me that it is on my wifi, but going through my router’s WiFi clients list, I am unable to get a response from any of the possible ip addresses.

I even tried a .Net client, going through every ip address in my dhcp range on port 2081 without success.

Could anyone give me a clue what a mac address of an ikettle looks like, maybe the first few characters are a common vendor prefix? Or some other trick for identifying it on my network…

This is a screenshot of the ‘about’ page from my app - I have a little doubt whether it’s an ikettle v1 or v2 , the name field appears editable, and this is the second wifi network it has been connected to since I bought it in about 2018/2019. Note that while name is ikettle2, Model number is ‘smket01’
