Smarter Coffee / iKettle

Just so i get it right? With component you mean your integration? Or a component in homeassistant?

And @kbirger also want to say big thank you for all your support!

Youā€™re welcome.

I mean my integration. In home assistant, integrations are installed to a folder called custom_components

In hacs it says i use version 042cf8f and according to github that is the latest commit made 2 weeks agoā€¦ I will try to delete it from hacs and reboot and then reinstall to see if that will helpā€¦ :slight_smile:

I didnā€™t have time to figure out how to properly publish to hacs. I was hurrying to get an MVP out to people. And then I got laid off. So now Iā€™m job hunting instead

Sorry to hear that you got laid off! But with your skills im sure that you will soon get a new one!

Is there a newer version than the one on github? Or should manual get it from github instead of using the link in hacs?

The reinstall thru hacs didnt help same error in logsā€¦

Thanks for the kind words. The GitHub version is the latest.

How much experience with Linux do you have? Can you shell into your install and look at the version inside the manifest.json of this component as well as the requirements.txt?

Also, I appreciate your patience and working with me here. If you have any interest in polishing this component with me, Iā€™ll be happy for the help.

I can also provide some guidance if you donā€™t have much experience with coding or extensions, etc. I donā€™t know your background :blush:

Have been working in linux systems for over 10 years so thats no problem. But my coding skills is limted to easy cut and paste! :slight_smile:
Manifest.json says version 0.1.14-dev of the client and under ssdp 0.1.2
And requirements.txt is missing i dont see any file with that name.

Btw. is toolbelt maybe used in the client? Could that be the problem?

it looks like itā€™s fixed in the latest version of pyrebase4, or at least there are some related commits.

Not sure why it doesnā€™t happen for others.

If you Google that error, thereā€™s a stack overflow page that recommends temporarily downgrading that package.

Otherwise, youā€™ll have to wait until I have time to push an update. Sorry about that

New build up. I did it mostly from my phone so itā€™s not tested.

Impressive that you did that from your phone! :slight_smile: But no it gives the same error. Looks like it wont download the client either it goes to the error right away when trying to add the deviceā€¦

I spun up a dev container with the latest home assistant. None of the core integrations are causing requests_toolbelt (any version) to be installed. So Iā€™m wondering if you have another custom integration that is causing this package to be updated.

The error you are reporting is described here: python - Pyrebase4 error cannot import name 'gaecontrib' - Stack Overflow

You can try to use pipdeptree -p requests_toolbelt to understand what is requiring the problematic version to be installed on your system, or you can just downgrade it, since versions > 1.0 are explicitly unsupported by pyrebase4.

Iā€™m guessing itā€™s urllib3 version 2.0. You can check your version by doing pip show or using pipdeptree.
Context: Remove Google AppEngine support by pquentin Ā· Pull Request #355 Ā· requests/toolbelt Ā· GitHub

If you definitely need this version at this timeā€¦
Itā€™s possible that newer versions will come into support. Perhaps you can log an issue to that packageā€™s github issue tracker. It seems like AppEngine support is being removed from urllib3, and probably likely reasonable to remove it from pyrebase.

I did mention that I had another package that works similarly to pyrebase4, but I have errors running that one. Comparing the usage stats for both, pyrebase4 seems to be much more broadly used, so Iā€™m not sure it makes sense to switch, because it might result in an overall worse experience for all users (including you).

This was what i got from pipdeptreeā€¦ Seams that im using 0.10.1 version of request-toolbelt. So that good? Or isnt it right?


Odd. It looks like those versions match the versions in the untouched home assistant core container, but the integration works. Your HA OS is containerized, right? Or are you running home assistant directly on the host OS?

Exaktly its conatinerized. So its always untouched besides what i put in config.

What other custom integrations do you have installed, and what version of the container?

Iā€™ve created a separate thread for my component here: Custom Component: Smarter Kettle and Coffee