Smarter way of checking if mediaplayers are active?

I’m working on some buttons for various media control, and I keep on writing stuff like this:

          is_state('media_player.all', 'playing') or 
          is_state('media_player.all', 'paused')
        and not  
          is_state('media_player.tramsosaurus', 'playing') or
          is_state('media_player.tramsosaurus', 'paused')

I can’t use state off, since chromecasts also have the state “Idle” is there any better way to check for attributes or can you create you own functions somehow? I know a little bit of python :slight_smile:

Not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but something like this is a little simpler:

states('media_player.all') in ['playing', 'paused'] and
states('media_player.tramsosaurus') not in ['playing', 'paused']

that’s exactly what i have been looking for, I have been googling for jinja2 arrays and such but didn’t find anything…

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It’s actually testing for inclusion in a list. Check out:

ah, ok, they are called lists, not arrays!