Hello all,
New to home assistant. I have found support for all my products except for smartika smart lights.
Possible to be supported?
Searched the forums with no results.
Hello all,
New to home assistant. I have found support for all my products except for smartika smart lights.
Possible to be supported?
Searched the forums with no results.
Able to bump this?
Any thoughts? Feedback?
To be honest the chances that those lights will be supported is pretty low because they only seem to be available in Canada.
If one wants to integrate something usually you need the actual hardware especially when starting from scratch.
I could assist if somebody want to create an integration.
I have the hardware. What can I do to help?
First step would be to create a Python module that handle the communication with the devices. As they are lights it should be possible to switch on/off, setting the brightness/color and perhaps effects with that module.
Is it possible for someone to help me get started on learning to talk to my lights, or the lights hub? I have been learning python over the last bit and been reading the custom component docs. I would like to give this a shot.