SmartIR - Control your Climate, TV and Fan devices via IR/RF controllers

You can use the mini if the climate device uses IR

Cool, thank you

I have a small issue. I created a binary sensor like:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "TV Power"
        value_template: >-
          {% if is_state('media_player.lg_tv_remote', 'playing') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

In Hass frontend the template shows the right state but dev-state shows just off

Any idea here?

I use my LG platform to track if tv is on or not.

Try without the if statement

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "TV Power"
        value_template: "{{ is_state('media_player.lg_tv_remote', 'playing') }}"

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Thanksā€¦ just tried it and it works perfectly :slight_smile:

Thanks for this. (turns out this is not relevant to my setup, leaving for reference though)

Thanks brent0np, your config gave me the help I needed. Hereā€™s my working config for others to use:


  - platform: broadlink
    mac: '78:0F:77:4E:72:6E'
    type:  rm_mini
    friendly_name: 'Broadlink'
    timeout: 15

  - platform: smartir
    name: Living Room
    unique_id: living_room_ac
    device_code: 1101
#    controller_send_service: switch.broadlink_send_packet_192_168_1_16
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature_158d00036c15dc
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity_158d00036c15dc
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_158d0002e6bdb5
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You should hide the Mac address.

There is no security risk in posting a MAC address

I have an RM Mini in each room for a total of 6, my unit in the office it working perfect, except Alexa always says that it is not responding, yet it does execute all the commands asked. Any reason for that?

Next is the other room, the IR is flashing when I turn on my AC units yet nothing happens, same make and model as in the office. I can use the broadlink app and everything is fine.

Lastly, how does the controller work to update the actual status, I canā€™t seem to get that working.


Just an update, turns out the codes were not right for some of my AC units, strange, but I update them using recorded codes and all good.

Still have the other two issues, Alexa stating the AC is not responding and the actual status is also not updating if the AC is actually on or not. Thanks!!

You need a sensor on the ac to update the state. I use a door sensor.

Thanks! Can you explain a little more as to how you implemented this? Thanks in advance.

Have a look at the power_sensor section in the smartir readme. The door sensor is used to ensure when I turn on the ac itā€™s powered on or off as I requested. Sometimes I have found the ir hasnā€™t been sent. This confirms it has.


Perfect ok, I was reading more into this than I needed too, yes that is a great idea. Thanks again!

I want to do some automations with Node Red to turn on the AC at specific times and or humidity. (I will be away from the home), I will use the service node, but my question is the domain I will use for this component? smartIR? Anyone used node red with this?

Would you mind sharing how you have exposed the RM Mini to Alexa?

Well that could be the problem, I didnā€™t, hahaha, I just asked Alexa to turn it on. It worked, but Alexa said it didnā€™t respond. So my guess that is probably part of the issue.

Or any other automation that will turn on a specific AC at a specific time and then off at a specific time. Also to pass in the specs such as Dry with temp at 24C as an example.


hi to all,
i just updated smartIR to the latest version 1.5ā€¦
the problem is that now the ac I set is disappeard.
here is my config:


  - platform: broadlink
    mac: C8:F7:42:17:11:64
    timeout: 15

  - platform: smartir
    name: AC corridoio
    unique_id: ac_corridoio
    device_code: 1260
    controller_send_service: switch.broadlink_send_packet_192_168_178_119
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature_ref
    humidity_sensor: sensor.relative_humidity_ref

i have notices that in the service dev tool the broadlink services have changed to for example ā€œbroadlink.sendā€ while before it was like mentioned in the configuration.yaml ā€œbroadlink_send_packet_192_168_178_119ā€ (as i remember)

what should i do?

Replace controller_send_service: switch.broadlink_send_packet_192_168_178_119 to controller_data: