SmartIR - Control your Climate, TV and Fan devices via IR/RF controllers

It is hard for me to follow this massive refactoring during the summer. Btw I tried the last beta version and the climate component still works

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Same issues with 0.960b1 :confused:

Try with latest version, Vassilis uploaded a new one with fixes for the upcoming climate 1.0

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Updated with the last version but with 0.95.4 i got this error:
entity not available…what is changed?
Thank you

same problem, update home assistant and smartIR, with broadlink and fujitsu, got entity not avaiable

It’s work for me with the last Vassilis’s upload :wink: 0.96.0b1
Thanx !

Hi. I have tried to set this up by following all the instructions. But when I go to check the config it says - Validate your configuration if you recently made some changes to your configuration and want to make sure that it is all valid

Configuration invalid
Platform not found: climate.smartir

What am I doing wrong?

I have version 95.4

Make sure you download the right version





Getting the same error here.
Looks like there may be some changes coming up in 0.96 that will change compatibility.
I will stick to my current version until 0.96 is released and the bugs worked out :slight_smile:

Yes. There is a (big) breaking change in HA climate platform. SmartIR 1.6 is only compatible with the HA 0.96 beta versions and later. If your HA instance is prior to 0.96, SmartIR 1.5 is the compatible one.


running 0.96b2 and no bugs in the latest smartir @Vassilis has released for it.

So looking good so far

I was more referring to the bugs that each new HA version has. I like to wait until 0.xx.2 or later before updating as the initial releases seem to always have a couple of bugs.

Ive been using SmartIR for some time now, for both AC and Fans.

Can anyone give me example of what the JSON payload should look like for a service call ? I had an automation in HA working perfectly, but when moving it to NodeRed, it doesnt seem to use the already set temperature and fan settings in the same way HA does.


It’s normal this message?

There is some problem when HACS checks for the version, it seems that 0.96.0b1 is greater than 0.96.0.
I have manually updated smartir and now it works

It seems that HACS have trouble to determine the version. I suggest you update manually. SmartIR is not going to support HACS due to another problem.

Any related issues will be closed.

Can someone help with getting this to work? and didn’t understand how to add?


is this function already implemented?

I can not find the changelog
