SmartIR - Control your Climate, TV and Fan devices via IR/RF controllers

I am made DIY d1mini for my air conditioner with ir transmitter,ir receiver,dht11 and led strip dimmer.
All this made it into a small box and fixed in ceiling running esphome with climate component :slight_smile:
the main advantage for this is ac will also get updated in-home assistant even if you turned it via physical remote so by this the power-on state will get the update without the need of extra binary sensor to the application.

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I am also using a LG air conditioner with a MQTT controller running Tasmota 8.2.0 (ir) and Blitzwolf BW-RC1
You can get my json file for LG here
This is my configuration.yaml for smartir:


  - platform: smartir
    name: AC estudio
    device_code: 1065
    controller_data: cmnd/mando_estudio/irsend
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperatura_estudio
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humedad_estudio
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.ac_estudio_power

  - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {[ states('sensor.ac_estudio') | float > 9 }}

I hope this can help you

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Hi there,
Are you able to use voice to set the fan modes? eg. “OK google, set aircon to high”? In the link below, it mentioned an issue where the “Fan Speed” is not mapped to Google Assistant. has anyone figured out how to work around this?

Thanks for responses,
With the help of @venkattetali and @Vassilis i found solutions
I have already fix the communication problem.
My AC is compatible with the device_code: 1381
and my Samsung tv is compatible with device_code: 1060

Also ill ordered esp8266 ,receiver and transmitter to manage my current state of my AC
i think that the Blitzwolf BW-RC1 and BlitzWolf BW-RC1 Smart IR Controller IR Bridge does the same job with extra cost but less work

Hey guys,

I have a fujitsu ASTG09KMCA

What would be the closest code that already exists?
Or is it just bad luck for now?

Nice! looking to do something like this would be helpful if you could do a small how to thread. Thanks!

Hello there,

This module (with Xiaomi IR) is compatible all Gree AC-s or only some of them?

If you cant find working code from the database / this thread you can just learn the codes into HA… slow process but works

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Hi all,

I would like to suggest a feature but dunno if it is feasable so before opening on github I kindly ask your feedback.

I have an old Kenwood stereo that thanks to SmartIR, a chromecast audio and a RMini has got a new life. Now I can automate switch it on or off based on chromecast status. My question is:

can somehow smartir mediaplayer “import” status (song played) by other media_player entities? In my case my media_player.stereo_studio will show song played by media_player.chromecastaudiostudio.

The same will be applied also to regular chromecast and not smart tv.

What’s your feedback about it?

Can devices configured using smartir be controlled through google home voice commands?

I need to program Haier device from scratch becasue exisiting codes does not work. I grabbed new codes. Should I replace those from 1320.json file or create i.e. 1330.json and change device code in yaml?

Once I tested I will send new version so it can be added to repo.

One question. My AC has mode fan only and than you can choose only fan speed without changing of the temp. Is it possible to do it in json file configuration. I can copy same code for different temps but than climate component will not block setting temps which is not very friendly?

It looks like HA might be close to getting the RM4 mini working.

Will SmartIR automatically work with it once upstream support is available?

Devices configured and working in HA will be exposed to Google Home and can use the same commands as any other climate device.

Does home assistant expose smartIR climate devices as AC units or thermostats to google?

AC units are also exposed as thermostats. You just name them appropriately


AC units are also exposed as thermostats. You just name them appropriately

Thanks for the help! One last question, will I be able to control the fan speed of my AC unit using google home?

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Unfortunately I have not yet found a way to control fan speed with Google Home. I think it may be a limitation in Google Home or at least the integration with Home Assistant. I have Zwave, Zigbee and WiFi thermostats in my Dev environment and none of them expose the fan speed control. I can set Cool, Heat, Auto, Fan_Only, Off and set temperature, but unfortunately can not set the fan speed.

This is slightly going off topic for this thread though, as this seems to be climate in general in Google and not specific to the SmartIR component :slight_smile:

If anyone else knows how to control actual fan speeds with a voice assistant, let me know.

I see I see… Thank you so much for your help Brendan! Have a great week ahead.

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Hi Guys

Hoping to get some help please :slight_smile: I am having trouble and fairly new at this. Weirdly enough I have a 5 year old Hitachi AC and the SmartIR codes work fine. The newer AC unit is 1 year old and none of the codes work?

So I read through this thread and created an IR table for my Hitachi RAK-35NHA2 AC unit as none of the codes worked (like 331 button pushes later). I used BroadlinkIRTools from keitetran on GitHub The resulting .json file is attached. I then realised this looks different to others so I converted it using jsonformatter . org I dropped the file into the smartir climate directory and added names it a code like 11111. Home Assistant log tells me that the .json is invalid.

What have I missed here?

Here is my original JSON file:
Here is the formatted JSON file: