SmartIR - Control your Climate, TV and Fan devices via IR/RF controllers

Can smartir work with an infrared emitter like this?
I have it integrated with tasmota


Vassilis, I’ve created a new pull request on your site to add a few extra functions , including the ability to change to any channel by having smart ir send the channel digits sequentially. I’ve been using this function on my side for almost a year with Alexa. Since I’ve added the channelcontroller API function to the main Alexa code recently, it makes SmartIR much more versatile now and adds all the missing media player capabilities. We can say “Alexa, tune to channel 123 on TV” and SmartIR can do it. you can also have Alexa, play, pause, resume, etc a PVR , etc. This can work with Google Assistant I assume but I have not tried it.
Have a look and see if it works for you. It is non intrusive to existing code files.

This is an awesome add-on, great work!!
Would it be possible to add a second temp/humidity sensor? I would like to create a binary sensor.
EG: One sensor on the AC door/flap and the other across the room. When the door/flap changes by 2 or 3 degreesC compared to the room sensor over 30 seconds then flip the sensor on.

The AC is hardwired so I cant just add a power monitoring plug

Since you indicate it runs Tasmota and therefore should be supported as an MQTT device in HomeAssistant. You should therefore be able to set it up as an MQTT controller in SmartIR.

Yes, in home assistant the thermostat card appears.
In the code json:
“manufacturer”: “LG”,
“supportedModels”: [
“supportedController”: “MQTT”,
“commandsEncoding”: “Raw”, 

But my sonoff does not send any infrared signal.

From the tasmota console I send:
IrSend {“Protocol”: “LG”, “Bits”: 28, “Data”: “0x8804307”, “DataLSB”: “0x1001C2E0”, “Repeat”: 0} and everything is ok.
From the home assistant thermostat it does not send anything.
Is there something else to configure besides the entry in config yaml and the json code?

You need to also set the tasmota ir send topic for your device in the smartir controller_data config line. Example; " cmnd/bedroomremote/IRsend" Then use the irsend payload example: “{“Protocol”: “LG”, “Bits”: 28, “Data”: “0x8804307”, “DataLSB”: “0x1001C2E0”, “Repeat”: 0}” as your command in the codes file for whatever function it is.

I’m assuming here that you have already setup your Tasmota device to point to a mqtt broker that is also setup in home assistant. You need to do that first.

In the tasmota device I have the mqtt configured.
The gpio14 Infrared send
In config.yaml:


  • platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml



  • platform: smartir
    name: Office AC
    unique_id: tasmota_infra1
    device_code: 1065
    controller_data: cmnd/tasmota_infra1/irsend
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.ac_power

The smartir controller_data config line?
It is this
if self._controller == MQTT_CONTROLLER:
service_data = {
‘topic’: cmnd/tasmota_infra1/irsend,
‘payload’: command

Yes, that configuration line looks correct in config.yaml:

controller_data: cmnd/tasmota_infra1/irsend

I assume then that you also have mqtt: setup in homeassistant that points to your mqtt broker. ie

In home assistant I have Mosquitto broker


  • username: **********
    password: *********
    anonymous: false
    active: false
    folder: mosquitto
    certfile: fullchain.pem
    keyfile: privkey.pem
    require_certificate: false

in you have to configure something??

no, you do not need to change anything in the smartir code. Well, I’m not sure what the issue is then.
if you have the mqtt controller and homeassistant sees it as a discovered component and you have the controller_data line setup and your tasmota device is publishing to mosquito, and you have the correct codes set up for your device commands then, you might want to view the logs and see what’s happening. Good luck.

I have erased everything and started again.
now everything is ok
Thanks a lot!!!

integrating smartir climate in home assistant is perfect, but in the google home application it does not give me the option to control speeds
any ide?

HI !
At first I put smartir just by copying into the directory custom_components and everything worked. Today I removed the smarir and put it through HACS. My version has been updated and now such a error. What should I do?
version of HA 0.109.6, supervisor 222
version SmartIR 1.10.0

Error occurs during configuration check:

Platform error climate.smartir - cannot import name ‘ClimateEntity’ from ‘homeassistant.components.climate’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/climate/




  • platform: broadlink
    mac: ‘AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA’ #This for example


  • platform: smartir
    name: ĐšĐŸĐœĐŽĐ”ĐčĐșĐ°
    unique_id: zal_ac
    device_code: 1060
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.ac_power

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Downgrade to 1.9.0.

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Normally, it should prevent you from installing this version, like my instance bellow. I don’t know why some users experience this problem.

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Yeah, I already did! Thank you!
Does it get version 1.10.0 with errors?
Just the system suggests to me to update, but at the same time writes that the update is not compatible with the current version of HA, which looks strange.
Version smartir 1.10.0 was released before HA itself was updated? After all, the HA version is newer than 0.109.6. Or am I wrong?

HA 0.110 beta is out and SmartIR 1.10 fixes some deprecation warnings

And when HA upgrades to stable release 0.110, can smartir be updated as well?

Exactly. :ok_hand: