SmartIR - Control your Climate, TV and Fan devices via IR/RF controllers

hi ppl.
is it possible to add multiple commands while using MQTT? i couldnt figure out the right syntax

Hi all, I’m struggling to get this working properly so wanted to turn here for help.
I made my own codes file since my Haier appliance wasn’t responding to what was listed.
I’ll link that file below my configuration.yaml file.

Right now I’m able to successfully call services remote.learn_command and also remote.send_command` for my Broadlink Mini 3 device, and have the device control my Haier ductless unit.

When I try to implement SmartIR climate controls I get the error Unable to find service broadlink/send.

Here’s my configuration.yaml

  - platform: broadlink
    mac: xxxxxxxx
    name: marley_ac_control
    type: rm_mini3_newblackbean

  - platform: smartir
    name: Marleys Room
    unique_id: marley_ac
    device_code: 1321
    temperature_sensor: sensor.nursery_temperature

and here’s my 1321.json file

would love help if anyone knows what’s going on here.

Hi ,

I’m receiving notification that there is new version available , but I can’t update due to home assistant version:

I’m running the latest version:

Any idea?


Please config SmartIR not getting updates from the RC branch. There is a new Home Assistant beta rolling from Monday.

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Can you explain how to do it?

Remove this line in your configuration.yaml:
update_branch: rc

Is too late for me!
I updated the HA and Smartir.
Now the climate with Broadlink is not working!

Same here – Looking forward to seeing this fixed!

To solve, you have to change in the configuration.yaml file:

from “controller_data:” change to controller_data: remote.broadlink_hub_remote (I have from the name you find in -> Development Tools -> Status ->


Holy crap, thank you!!! Totally worked! I’ve been pounding on this for hours over the last week or so! :slight_smile:

Thanks mmtraxx!
It is working now.

Hi all,

Im using SmartIR for a month now.
I cannot understand how to expose the climate entity from HA to Alexa (locally, without cloud skills etc.) just like hue integrations .

Can anyone point me to the right direction so I can pull this off?

Thank you!

So Broadlink is the subject of a “breaking change” in the HA 0.115.0 update.

Before I go and update - has anyone done the upgrade and does the SmartIR platform still work afterwards?

All of my SmartIR devices are working with the update after:

  • removing the Broadlink friendly_name: and type: settings from switch.yaml
  • changing the Broadlink controller_data: settings in climate.yaml as per @mmtraxx post above
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I have two Broadlink RM4 Mini with the Temp/Humid Sensor, with the update only 1 is showing up. Do i need to configure the second manually?

Looks like there are issues with the blackbeans. I have two of them and they don’t show as remote entity. Log shows: Error fetching device data: The device storage is full.

Hi, I updated to 0.115 and to 0.113 and 1.13.1 but there were so many error that I had to restore previous snapshot.

Now I want to downgrade smartir as well using HACS but the button “install” is greyed out.

Can someone please support me?

Did you setup broadlink from integrations (config flow) and also replace controller_data with the new remote. xxx entity?

Hi, I did it like this:
Updated to version 0.115 HA,
updated the integration to the new Broadlink HUB, my product (RM2 Pro Plus3 (device_type = 0x279d) and RM2 Pro Plus_300 (device_type = 0x27a9)).
(I already had a working configuration via configuration.yaml)
SmartIR updated to version 0.13.1
I left my previous configuration active, and replaced the following:

#example of my configuration.yaml

#update_branch: rc
#I just changed the following “controller_data:” from ip device to

  • platform: smartir
    name: Living room AC
    unique_id: Living room_AC
    device_code: 1282
    controller_data: remote.broadlink_hub_remote <------ this
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.ac_power
    #ed for the rest as switches and other I left as they were before.
  • platform: broadlink
    host: 192.168.x.xx
    mac: ‘xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: 9f’
    #type: rm3_pro_plus3
    #timeout: 15
    led_ wardrobe:
    friendly_name: “Led Wardrobe”
    command_on: ‘skQ0AA8oDygpDg8oKQ8pDw8oKQ8PKA8oDygpDykODygPKA8pDykPKA8oDygPKA8oDygpDw8AAZAAAAAA’
    command_off: ‘skQ0AA8oDygpDg8oKQ8pDw8oKQ8PKA8oDygpDykODygPKA8pDykPKA8oDygPKA8oDygpDw8AAZAAAAAA’

  • platform: broadlink
    host: 192.168.x.xx
    mac: ‘xx: xx: xx: xx: xx: 6a’
    #type: rm2_pro_plus_300
    #timeout: 15
    friendly_name: “Samsung TV UHD 4K 75 Living Room”
    In this way everything is working and I have no errors in the logs.

dont work for me
changed from ip to remote.xxxxx

error when checkinf config:

                          Invalid config for [switch.broadlink]: [type] is an invalid option for [switch.broadlink]. Check: switch.broadlink->type. (See ?, line ?). 
Invalid config for [switch.broadlink]: [type] is an invalid option for [switch.broadlink]. Check: switch.broadlink->type. (See ?, line ?).


  - platform: smartir
    name: Dnevna
    unique_id: office_ac
    device_code: 1260
    controller_data: remote.mini_dnevna_remote
    temperature_sensor: sensor.temperature
    humidity_sensor: sensor.humidity
    power_sensor: binary_sensor.ac_power