SmartThing Subscriptions

I have SmartThings integrated with Home Assistant. Mainly just for the Samsung appliances. I purchased an Aqara Wireless Mini Switch, added it to SmartThings and it is working without issue. Home Assistant discovered the device but pushed events are not being sent to Home Assistant (even though SmartThings can detect them). After looking through the logs, I found …

Some device attributes may not receive push updates and there may be subscription creation failures under app ‘…’ because 51 subscriptions are required but there is a limit of 40 per app

There is a failed to create subscription error for the button with a message subscription limit exceeded.

I did try disabling all the entries for the 4 appliances in Home Assistant (as a test), which left me with just the single button from SmartThings. Unfortunately the error still came which tells me the integration still requests subscriptions for entities that are disabled. Am I possibly missing something or is there other options I am not thinking of?

Are there options to getting Samsung Appliances into Home Assistant without using SmartThings (and ditching SmartThings completely)?
