SmartThings integration. Am I missing something?


I was in the process of connecting a few Schlage Connect Zwave locks as there’s a lot of good reviews here. Actually, it seems the only Schlage that deserve to get connected to Home Assistant. There’s even a wonderfull job done by @ptdalen ( which lets you manage the 30 codes these locks can handle, autorisations and so on.

I paired the Schalge using a SmartThings hub. The SmartThings is getting some (if not all) attributes from the locks as one can see on the ST IDE interface

But when it comes to Home Assistant, seems the only thing I get is to know wether it is locked or not

Is it that the SmartThings integration is incomplete ?
Can I hope to see all these attributes reported in Home Assistant ?
Or is it too specific to a single model lock ?
Would I get better results using the old SmartThings MQTT ?

Thanks for elightening me

