Smartthings integration (climate mode)(wind free Samsung AC)

I have integrated Smartthings to HASS.IO and connected Samsung AC to Climate

Cool and Dry mode works fine but I need more mode option to control this AC fully.

I attached the log file which shows the missing modes. Hope someone could help with this THX

[homeassistant.components.smartthings.climate] Device stand air (######) returned an invalid supported AC mode: aIComfort

2020-06-06 21:18:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.smartthings.climate] Device stand air (#####) returned an invalid supported AC mode: ai

2020-06-06 21:18:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.smartthings.climate] Device stand air (#####) returned an invalid supported AC mode: wind

Im also interested in this topic though I dont have techno skills for much unless assisted.

I think you can take a look here where we are discussing this problem.

Interested, any update S?