I am having the same problem. Total newbie. I have HA installed on HP t630, dedicated, no VM.
I have a Nabu Casa Account (Remote is on), and while trying to integrate Smartthings, I get the “Unable to setup the smartapp. Please try it again” error. Then, after getting a new Personal Access Token, deleting the older one, kept getting the same error.
I tried pip install hass_smartthings_remove on the HP, but got Error: unknown command “pip” for “ha”
Rebooted HA, went back to Nabu Casa, which asks for new webhook, so I tried the Smartthings integration again with the same result. The link on Nabu Casa goes to https://hooks.nabu.casa/…
On Nabu Casa documentation, it notes the link should go to: https://hooks.nabuca.casa, instead of nabu.casa, possibly a typo in the documentation.
Any help on this is most appreciated.
Also, at a dead end on integrating Google Nest, but that is for another day.
I gave up on the Smartthings integration and got a Zooz 800LR Z-wave stick, and a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus (ZHA integration). Then, I migrated all my Z-wave devices and Zigbee devices (including all my Phillips Hue bulbs) to Home Assistant. Once that was done, I no longer needed integration with Smartthings (or Phillips Hue), so I disconnected both the Smart things and Hue hubs. After help from YouTube video “Finally! A WORKING NEST Integration with Home Assistant using OAuth!” by mostlychris, sent $5 Thanks, and completed the Google Nest integration successfully. I also subscribed to Nabu Casa Home Assistant Cloud. So I am now fully assimilated into Home Assistant, because resistance was futile.