Smartthings MQTT Bridge

Here is an example of an MQTT light (which is appropriate for a dimmer) in HA that works with SmartThings . makes sure to include in lights.yaml or lights: section to recognize as a dimmer. This only works for white bulbs. If you want color bulbs, let me know.

If you compare with your yaml, you will notice some errors. Also make sure your MQTT bridge SmartApp in SmartThings is configured to send data of all your devices. You have to manually go through and select each device in the settings to have it included by the SmartApp.

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Stairs"  
  command_topic: "smartthings/Stairs/switch/cmd"
  brightness_command_topic: "smartthings/Stairs/level/cmd" 
  state_topic: "smartthings/Stairs/switch/state"
  brightness_state_topic: "smartthings/Stairs/level/state"
  brightness_scale: 100
  payload_on: "on"
  payload_off: "off"

Your SmartThingsBridge settings should look something like this, specifically the preface, state suffix and command suffix.

  "broker_host": "",
  "broker_port": 1883,
  "preface": "smartthings",
  "state_suffix": "state",
  "command_suffix": "cmd",
  "login": "stbridge",
  "password": "passwordhere",
  "bridge_port": 2080

Thank you! I noticed that the other day and got it up and running without issues. Just need to figure out how to excluded some of the items, as I have duplicate devices from running certain apps in both hubs (i.e. harmony, nest, etc.)

Just my opinion and not being rude. This thread started asking for help with the trouble user was having. Instead of wasting time setting up this bridge and have problems, if you have your HA exposed this is the best thing you can do. Also in the future you dont have to worry about any breaking changes

The new SmartThings integration is a welcome addition. However, the need to expose one’s system to the internet is a significant requirement (and a non-trivial undertaking). I agree that for those who already have done it, the new SmartThings integration becomes a more attractive option.

Nevertheless, in terms of functionality and performance, it’s not yet an equivalent replacement for the SmartThings bridge. Anyone currently considering it needs to understand if its limitations impact them.

Yes but there are also threads seeking assistance, and reporting problems, for the SmartThings integration (i.e. it’s not without its own challenges). Currently, the winning solution depends upon the user’s needs and operating environment. Perhaps in the future, the SmartThings integration will become the hands-down winner.

Lol your posting issues if there are non with the bridge. Also there are fixes for the issues you posted. I have been using this bridge since 2 years. I am just saying that use the new integration so you can report problems and it gets fixed.

All I’m saying is there are two solutions available and users need to understand their respective strengths and weaknesses.

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Been using the bridge for a LONG time, it has its quirks, that’s for sure, but what I really like is even when Smartthings cloud takes intermittent naps or internet access is cut off, HASS can still treat it like a slave locally.

However, after trying the component, it does seem to control OSRAM Lightify RGBW LED strips properly whereas the bridge could not.

Here is my error, Your configuration contains extra keys that the platform does not support.
Please remove [payload_off].

     - platform: mqtt
       device_class: motion
       state_topic: "smartthings/Kitchen Motion Sensor/motion/state"
       name: 'Kitchen Motion Sensor'
       payload_on: "active"
       payload_off: "inactive"

Any ideas on how I can fix this?

That doesn’t seem right. According to the documentation for MQTT Binary Sensor, payload_off is a valid key.

Did you recently upgrade to .89?

I upgraded to the smartthings components on .88 on Tuesday, then upgraded to .89 on Wednesday and laughed because all my smartthings components and tplink components vanished.

Looks like .89 is a shot over the bow of custom components that overlay other components.