Smartthings MQTT Cover - Linear Garage Door

I’m having trouble setting up a MQTT Cover using the Smartthings MQTT Bridge with a Linear Garage Door Opener. My bridge is setup using a Mosquitto broker and everything is working great, but I just can’t seem to be able to find the proper configuration for my garage door opener. I found this configuration on github, however, this configuration was based on the old “garage_door” component and not the “cover” component. I switched “garage_door” to “cover” and this allows me to bring in the cover command interface to the front-end and I can also use an automation to send a Pushover notification when the garage opens and closes, but I can’t actually control the garage door. The only way I can control it is by using a separate switch, but the switch only allows me to open the garage door and not close it.

Here’s my current configuration:

platform: mqtt
name: ‘Garage Door’
state_topic: ‘smartthings/Garage Door/contact’
command_topic: ‘smartthings/Garage Door/door’
state_open: ‘open’
state_closed: ‘closed’
service_open: ‘open’
service_close: ‘closed’
retain: true
optimistic: true

I’ve also tried this configuration based on the instructions from the Home Assistant configuration page for covers, but still no luck:

platform: mqtt
name: Garage Door
state_topic: “smartthings/Garage Door/cover”
command_topic: “smartthings/Garage Door/set”
state_open: ‘open’
state_closed: ‘closed’
payload_open: ‘open’
payload_closed: ‘closed’
payload_stop: ‘stop’
retain: true
optimistic: true

I’m wondering if perhaps my command_topic is incorrect. Has anyone else have any luck setting this up a linear garage door controller with the smartthings-mqtt-bridge?

Having the exact same issue. This was working in prior versions of HA, when there was a garage component - this stopped working for me once the Cover component was released. I can see the MQTT close and open messages making it to smartthings via live logging, but am unsure how to further debug this…

I have it working via mqtt and smartthings.


  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Garage Door”
    state_topic: ‘smartthings/Garage Door/contact’
    command_topic: ‘smartthings/Garage Door/door’
    state_open: ‘open’
    state_closed: ‘closed’
    payload_open: ‘open’
    payload_close: ‘closed’
    retain: true
    optimistic: true

I’ve tried this exact same configuration and I still can’t control the door except for using the switch component in the front end, but this only allows me to open the garage door.

Are you using the “cover” component in your groups.yaml file to control your door? Or are you using the “switch” component?

I’m using the cover component in the groups.yaml

Garage Door:

  • cover.garage_door

Are you seeing the state on the mqtt topic?

An odd thing happened tonight. I tried operating the garage door using the cover component in my front end and eveything worked fine. It’s weird too because I didn’t change a single thing in my configuration. Perhaps a recent HA upgrade fixed the problem I was having. Whatever the issue was, it’s been fixed. I can confirm that your setup worked for me. Thanks for posting!

Hey guys… so I seem to have this working somewhat, where as I get a notification in the broker when I invoke actions via the smart things app. For example in the logs of mqtt-smarthings

Oct 25 09:13:23 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closing
Oct 25 09:13:24 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closing
Oct 25 09:13:24 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Skipping duplicate message from: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closing
Oct 25 09:13:29 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closed
Oct 25 09:13:29 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closed
Oct 25 09:13:29 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Skipping duplicate message from: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closed
Oct 25 09:13:29 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Primary Garage/contact = closed
Oct 25 09:13:29 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Primary Garage/contact = closed
Oct 25 09:13:29 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Skipping duplicate message from: smartthings/Primary Garage/contact = closed

and if I subscribe to all the topics I see some events

smartthings/Primary Garage/door closing
smartthings/Primary Garage/door closed
smartthings/Primary Garage/contact closed

However if I use mosquito_pub to send an event I am unable to get the door to do anything


mosquitto_pub -u homeassistant -P zzzzz  -h -t "smartthings/Primary Garage/contact" -m open
mosquitto_pub -u homeassistant -P zzzzz  -h -t "smartthings/Primary Garage/contact" -m closed
mosquitto_pub -u homeassistant -P zzzzz  -h -t "smartthings/Primary Garage/door" -m on
mosquitto_pub -u homeassistant -P zzzzz  -h -t "smartthings/Primary Garage/door" -m open
mosquitto_pub -u homeassistant -P zzzzz  -h -t "smartthings/Primary Garage/contact" -m open
mosquitto_pub -u homeassistant -P zzzzz  -h -t "smartthings/Primary Garage/contact" -m close
mosquitto_pub -u homeassistant -P zzzzz  -h -t "smartthings/Primary Garage/contact" -m closed

Am I missing something fundamental here ? I would think publishing an event to the topic would close or open the door.

Publishing to the contact topic won’t get you anything, but publishing to the door topic should.

When you trigger the door to open via smartthings do you see the coresponding MQTT command? I just see the close ones in your post. Just curious if smartthings is sending the open ones too. Might be a config issue on smartthings.

I have mine configured as a cover, so I just use the cover.close_cover or the cover.open_cover service to control mine so I dont know if I ever tried to just publish to the topic, but it should work.

So here is my test / situation.

I am starting w/ the door open in this case and tailing the logs and topics via mosquito_sub

MQTT Bridge Logs:

Oct 25 09:40:58 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closing
Oct 25 09:40:58 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closing
Oct 25 09:40:58 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Skipping duplicate message from: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closing
Oct 25 09:41:03 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closed
Oct 25 09:41:03 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closed
Oct 25 09:41:03 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Skipping duplicate message from: smartthings/Primary Garage/door = closed
Oct 25 09:41:03 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from SmartThings: smartthings/Primary Garage/contact = closed
Oct 25 09:41:03 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Incoming message from MQTT: smartthings/Primary Garage/contact = closed
Oct 25 09:41:03 ubuntu docker[19266]: info: Skipping duplicate message from: smartthings/Primary Garage/contact = closed


smartthings/Primary Garage/door closing
smartthings/Primary Garage/door closed
smartthings/Primary Garage/contact closed

Its almost as if I am missing the initial request and only seeing the result of it… not sure how that could happen…

in the IOS app I have the following set to send notifications

Garage Door Control
Door Control
Contact Sensor

Since I am only using my smartthings for these doors ( thanks OZW, you suck ) there are no other items I could be selecting…

netizen24601 - Any chance you can try to subscribe to the topic and show me what you get in the logs and broker when you open and close?

@johntdyer Just FYI I was in same boat with SmartThings only for GD00Z-4. I built my own Garage Door opener instead. It still uses MQTT but much easier to setup.
It works perfect. So perfect I now trusted automating my garage door to open when I arrive home.

I just shut down my ST this week :slight_smile: