SmartThinQ LGE Sensors - Invalid SmartThingQ credentials

Hello world,

I succesfuly installed @ollo69 's SmartThinQ LGE Sensors (V0.37.0) through HACS in order to control my airco units from HA.
When adding the integration in the Devices & services/integrations tab and submitting the required configuration information, I get a ‘Invalid SmartThinQ credentials’ error.

I have used a private email address for my LG registration as stated, and accepted all license and privacy agreements in the LG app and on the website.
Also, the LG ThinQ apps works fine, controlling my 3 airco units.
I did the LG app registration and configuration from the Netherlands, thus using country code Netherlands-NL and language Dutch-nl and verified those in the LG app.
I tried the given SmartThinq login URL to see if redirection works, but am not able to generate a working redirect URL because of an internal server error. So, dead end on the LG side (my normal account logins through are OK).

I found a lot of open ends in existing (older) threads, so trying a new one.
Hope you can be of help!
As I am still a HA rooky please adjust your answer to my level.

HA Core 2024.1.6
HA OS 11.4

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You may get some response here, don’t know, but did you ask this question in the repo that you found the software in? 100% of the people there will likely understand your problem and someone may already have a fix. Check the issues there for a similar problem, see if the author has a preferred location for questions, and use that forum or just add another issue to ask your question.

Will do in the SmartThinQ LGE Sensors repo

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I read the logs before sending. Got an SSL error.
It seems that was filtered out by OpenDNS.
Whitelisted the URL and airco units are now recovered.
