SmartWeather - Get local weather data combined with AI powered Forecast

No worries, just wanted to make sure - I tend to check in there almost every day, so will certainly share anything if I see its changed :+1:

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Hi everybody.
I am having problems with the installation
in my logs appears this:

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: helpers/

The smartweather platform for the sensor integration does not support platform setup. Please remove it from your config.

any idea?

This integration only supports UI config from the Integration page. With this error message you must still have a reference to smartweather in your configuration files. Please remove and restart HA

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Thanks!! now I can do it

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With this new version how do I configure a weather entity so I can see an aggregate view of the data in Lovelace without adding each individual sensor? I like how this displayed with the earlier versions but not sure how to do something similar with the new version.

Not exactly sure what you are looking for? Could you show me what you did before?

Iā€™m referring to, I think, this integration:

Up til now I had this uncommented in my configuration.yaml, which gave me an entity weather.smartweather that I could place in the frontend and observe things like forecasts and current weather.

#  - platform: smartweather
#    api_key:

Thanks for clarifying. The weather entity is now configured automatically, and you donā€™t need to add any API Key. I removed DarkSky as Weather provider, and replaced it with Weatherflowā€™s own Forecast system. So as soon as you enter a StationID, the weather entity for that location will be created.

As stated in the release notes, this Forecast system is still under development from Weatherflow, but for now it has been running stable for the last two month.

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OK, thank you. Iā€™ve got a station ID configured and the sensors are reporting data but Iā€™ve got no weather entity. Is there something else I need to configure?

Have you installed the V2 release, and followed the instructions for upgrading from V1.x?

Yes, I have. Iā€™m on v.2.0.3, and before installing I removed v 1.x, commented out all the smartweather entries in configuration.yaml and restarted.

OK, so you see all the sensors, but not the weather component?
Please note that it will not have the same name as before. It will be called weather.smartweather_YOUR_LOCATION

If you go to the Developer tools and filter with weather. donā€™t you see anything?

Thatā€™s correct. I have a bunch of Smartweather sensors but if I go into Developer tools and filter with weather. nothing shows up.

That is strange. Could you give me the StationID you are using, then I will try and set it up here, to see if there are any errors.

I canā€™t seem to find the integration after removing the old. Iā€™ve installed 2.0.1 Beta 2 and 2.0.4 via HACS but when I go to configuration > Integrations, I canā€™t find Smartweather. What am I missing here?

Hereā€™s the station ID Iā€™m using: 9568

Iā€™m also occasionally getting this error as a notification, but unclear what the issue is:

Invalid config

The following integrations and platforms could not be set up:


Please check your config.

Weird, but for some reason it now shows and I was able to install the integration. I didnā€™t make any changes since last night.

I have just testet with the StationID you have, and I receive no errors and I get the Weather Entity created.

Are you sure you have removed ALL references to smartweather in your configuration files?

Try and add this to your configuration.yaml file, and restart HA, to see if any errors show up in your log file:

  default: error
    custom_components.smartweather: debug

Hi Justin,
There is often an issue with Caching in the browser, when you install an Integration through HACS. You normally fix this, by going to the Integrations page, and then do a Hard Refresh of your browser.
Or you wait until the cache is cleared, as you did :grinning: