SmartWeather - Get local weather data combined with AI powered Forecast

@briis As promised, just FYI:

Thanks Dave,
It seems I still have a few month to correct this, so I will have a look during the next weeks.

Hi All, Does anyone still have a copy of the API key given previously which i think ends later this year as a temp solution?

You are right, the developer key is no longer available on the Website. If you own a Tempest Weather Station (Or AIR and SKY) you can generate your own personal key, that then works with your Station ID.
Go to and login to your station. Then click Settings in the Upper right corner. Scroll all the way down until you see Data Authorizations. From here you should be able to generate a personal token - remember it is a PERSONAL token, so don’t share it.

This is all being worked on at the moment, so I cannot guarantee that it will work.

Once the new API is final, I will adjust the README, and the program to fit with the new rules and API.

Thanks @briis, I have been trying that but it has been failing for me for some reason…
I do not suppose you still have a copy of the original API Keys they provided in the docs do you?

Are you going to be registering this as an app with Tempest? Is there anything i can offer to help?

I got mine some weeks ago, but I know they are actively working on the new API, so there might be changes. It should actually also be at the same place you can get Oauth2 Authorisation ID’s, but that does not show up for me. So clearly some changes are not implemented yet.

Once the API is complete, I will make adjustments so it follows the new API, and then I could register it with Tempest. I will let you know if/when I need help. Thanks

This is the original API key and is still working for now;


I finally upgraded to the latest version of Home Assistant - this resolved the issue. Presumably some sort of incompatibility with a prior version.

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Is possible to add the battery level?
I have problems reading data from UDP integration so it will a good idea for me to have the same sensors in booth REST API and UDP integrations.

The Battery Level is unfortunately not exposed in the current data API. It is available in the REST API, but it will require an additional API Call, plus you need to know the device ID of each Battery Powered device.
So it is possible, but I have not done, due to the above. I will think a bit about it again.
Please create a new issue on Github, so that it will be forgotten.

Release V2.1

Released December 19th, 2020

  • FIXED Pouring was shown as condition and icon, when WeatherFlow was reporting rainy. The pouring condition does not exist in the API, so this has been removed, and rainy will now be the default value. Closing Issue #47

  • ADDED: There is now a new sensor being created for each battery powered HW device attached to the Hub. This sensor shows the current Volt for each of the devices. The sensor will update its state every hour. Closing Issue #46

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BREAKING The Forecast API has changed at WeatherFlow, so you might see errors in your log file and/or when loading. I will fix this ASAP.


Yes my LUX automations suddenly stopped. Excited for an update soon. :slight_smile:

All of my sensors are showing as unavailable too. Must be part of the same issue. Thanks for your great work, Bjarne!

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Yep. The integration shows 1 device with 0 entities.

Release 2.2.1 is now posted to HACS, which fixes the issues.

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thank you!

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Has the link to obtain a API changed? It looks like you have to create an account and get “Personal Access Key”?

This AM (1/16/2021) I updated HA Core and Supervisor to latest available versions and this integration has stopped working. All related entities are unavailable, tried restart HA but issues remains.

Version Info:

Not seeing anything useful in the logs either.

API Key is now called Token, and you can obtain your personal Token for your station by going here: and then click on Settings in the upper right corner. On that page, scroll to the bottom and click on ‘Data Authorizations’, here you can create a new Token.

Also make sure you have upgraded to 2.2.1 og the Integration.

Hello @briis thanks for the tip.

It looks like the station I was using is down and that’s what causing the integration to report NaN for values.

When I go to the page your directed me to I see:

Am I required to have my OWN station or can I use any Weatherflow station. In the past I just used one close to my home.

Try that page and see if it works for you.