SmartWeather - Get local weather data combined with AI powered Forecast

Yes, the above approach requires that you have your own station, where you can create the login, and these tokens only work with that specific station.
If you can find another station nearby, the public developer token still seems to work, but I can not guarantee for how long: 20c70eae-e62f-4d3b-b3a4-8586e90f3ac8

There are discussions around how to get public access to stations, but I have not read any final conclusions on that yet.

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Indeed the public developer token worked. Following this topic. Thanks again

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My weather stopped updating last night around 4:07 am (EST). I tried to reload the component and restart HASS, but still not updating. Anyone else experiencing this?

Did you check the Tempest App? Is that updating?

I am using a public station and I just checked it on the station map and looks like its updating.

Could you post the Station ID, then I can check it.

9979 is the station ID

I can see that this a Station with an AIR & SKY unit, and only the AIR unit is reporting. So no wind data, precipitation data and UV/Solar data is reported. That will the reason for failing.

Thank you! Iā€™ll keep an eye on it and see if it starts reporting again. Sorry for the goose chase!

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I have an issue that came with the latest update: suddenly I have 2 devices, the old one and a new one with same name + (Hourly).
Th old one doesnā€™t get any sensor data and the new one has onother entity name in HA, so broke my automations / dashboards.
What would be the best fix ?

Hi Geert,
This is my fault, I did not test the changes enough before releasing it, so I could warn about this. The reason is that it is now possible to have the same station twice, with Daily and Hourly Forecast, as requested by several users.
But that also means I had to change the Unique ID, to STATION_NAME_daily or STATION_NAME_hourly, which then breaks your automations. Sorry.

The quick fix, is to remove the Integration and re-add it. Then when up and running you will have the entity named STATION_NAME_daily or _hourly based on the forecast type you select. To not have to change your automations, you can rename the weather entity to what it was before (or change your automations to use the new name).

Hope this helps.

Hi Bjarne,
sometimes itā€™s also an advantage to release new things quickly ;-).
You solution did the trick, so many thanks again !


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@briis: Thank you for making this available. I was able to add it to my HA and get it working OK. It did take a while for the integration to show up and another several hours (it seems) for the devices to see/show the tempest values, but it is working well now. Thanks again.

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Thanks for yet another AWESOME integration @briis! If you ever stop dev-ing for HASS I donā€™t know what Iā€™ll do! Between the Protect, Smartweather and other integrations of yours I use it would be a very sad day! Do you have a Patreon/BuyMeACoffee/etc link?

Just got my Tempest up and running. Anyone have any pretty lovelace cards theyā€™d like to share?

Update: I see on your github youā€™re using your Weather Card Extended. Iā€™ll set that up.

Hi @briis, Iā€™m trying to set up your Weather Card Extended with my Tempest and am having some troubles. I noticed that youā€™ve marked the repository as read-only when I was trying to raise and issue. Is this custom card not supported anymore?

Yes this is no longer maintained. I am not a Frontend developer, and I just did this back then to get some more info - but then a lot of things changed in the HA Frontend, and also there were other cards, being developed.

I recommend you use this

Thanks, appreciate the kind words and the support. I have gotten so much from this community, so I I am just happy to be able to give something back - no financial support needed. But thanks.

Hi Bjarne,

Running into issues installing version 2.2.2. I had the UDP version installed and working but I wanted the forecast capability mentioned in the latest REST version. I followed your directions for updating multiple times with no luck. As part of the upgrade directions I deleted all references to smartweatherudp in the configuration.yaml file, then I installed the REST version via HACS and restarted. Where Iā€™m getting stuck are the next steps mentioned in the doc: " When HA is back online, go to Configuration and then Integrations , click the + sign in the bottom right, and search for SmartWeather". SmartWeather doesnā€™t show up in HA Integrations when I search for it. It is present in the HACS Integrations screen however I canā€™t find anywhere that prompts me for configuration options mentioned in the next step: ā€œFill out the Configuration Options, and click Submit . You should now have all the Devices and Entities configuredā€.
Iā€™ve tried populating the configuration manually, supplying my Token and station ID and rebooting but I still donā€™t see any entities defined. Here was what I manually added:
station_id: 37044
api_key: (removed actual value)
Iā€™ve tried removing and reinstalling everything, emptying my browser cache after the HA restart.
Iā€™m running Home Assistant version 2021.2.3.

Hi Shawn,
First of all, remove all references to smartweather in configuration.yaml. This can only be installed from the Integrations Page. (You have to restart HA after the removal)

Secondly, you are running in to the usual problem with caching. Once you are on the Integrations page, do a hard refresh in your browser or clear the cache in some other way (depending on browser). Then click the + Add Integration button in the lower right corner, and search for smartweather - it should now show up.

Hi Bjarne, the hard refresh fixed it. I had cleared the cache yesterday but didnā€™t do the hard refresh. Cheers!

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