Hey everyone.
I got smartwings shade a few months ago, the motor is zigbee but I can’t for the life of me get it integrated in home assistant.
Home assistant runs in a VM on a dell r730 machine (running proxmox). I have a silicon lab HUSBZB-1 zigbee/zwave combo USB stick passed through to the VM. No issue with any other zigbee or zwave devices (got ~10 zigbee and a couple of zwave devices). I’ve updated the stick firmware thinking it would help (following GitHub - walthowd/husbzb-firmware: Nortek GoControl HUSBZB-1 / EM3581 Firmware update image) but it did not.
When trying to integrate the shades in HA, I can see the following pop up in the log which I’m attributing to the shade’s zigbee code not being correctly interpreted (although that’s only a guess) ?
Received a packet: ZigbeePacket(timestamp=datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 25, 1, 0, 21, 368463, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), src=AddrModeAddress(addr_mode=<AddrMode.NWK: 2>, address=0x936B), src_ep=1, dst=AddrModeAddress(addr_mode=<AddrMode.NWK: 2>, address=0x0000), dst_ep=1, source_route=None, extended_timeout=False, tsn=166, profile_id=260, cluster_id=1026, data=Serialized[b'\x18]\n\x00\x00)\xff\x07'], tx_options=<TransmitOptions.NONE: 0>, radius=0, non_member_radius=0, lqi=255, rssi=-58)
[0x936B:1:0x0402] Received ZCL frame: b'\x18]\n\x00\x00)\xff\x07' [0x936B:1:0x0402] Decoded ZCL frame header: ZCLHeader(frame_control=FrameControl(frame_type=<FrameType.GLOBAL_COMMAND: 0>, is_manufacturer_specific=0, direction=<Direction.Client_to_Server: 1>, disable_default_response=1, reserved=0, *is_cluster=False, *is_general=True), tsn=93, command_id=10, *direction=<Direction.Client_to_Server: 1>)
[0x936B:1:0x0402] Decoded ZCL frame: TemperatureMeasurementCluster:Report_Attributes(attribute_reports=[Attribute(attrid=0x0000, value=TypeValue(type=int16s, value=2047))])
[0x936B:1:0x0402] Received command 0x0A (TSN 93): Report_Attributes(attribute_reports=[Attribute(attrid=0x0000, value=TypeValue(type=int16s, value=2047))])
[0x936B:1:0x0402] Attribute report received: measured_value=2047