Smlight integration: add a custom url field for Zigbee OTA update

I’m using a custom Zigbee FW for my SLZB-06M ( Release v2024.6.2-update3 · Nerivec/silabs-firmware-builder · GitHub ), and since the the Core Firmware v2.6.8.dev14 from smlight, the dashboard have the version number of the custom firmware:

And since this dev14, the HA integration smlight says that there is a new version of the firmware, but it’s the smlight fiwmare, which is by date and by number newer, but not really, because based on an old sdk as @nerviec said here:

No, it’s 8.0.2 using the newer simplicity_sdk (same for new release from darkxst). 7.4.5 uses the previous gecko_sdk.
Silabs has moved to the new one but will keep maintaining fixes & such for the previous one for a while (per their docs).
EmberZNet PRO Zigbee Protocol Stack Software - Silicon Labs

So, could it be possible to have a field to set a custom OTA link in order to flash this custom OTA fw from the smlight intgegration?
And maybe, a way to not check the FW version as it can be difficult to check a new release of a custom FW?
(releases page for nerviec fw is here: Releases · Nerivec/silabs-firmware-builder · GitHub )

Thanks very much
Have a nice day.