
I am curious if there are any Mac users out there that are using SLZB-06 (all variants, I have the SLZB-06M), I am getting WebUI response issues after the device has been online for a few days, I am on the latest core firmware 2.5.8, The WebUI just fails to load, until I do a power cycle. I contacted SMLIGHT, and we had a back and forth, they give me a few new dev firmware versions to try for there upcoming v2.6.8 and that was even worse as it failed to load the web at all, even after a clean power cycle, we could not get it to work, but as they do not have any Mac’s to test it on they where unable to fix the issues.

I did manage to get the device revert back to 2.5.8 via a api call the gave me.

So if there are any Mac users out there I would really like feedback from you, so I can report back to SMLIGHT.




Same behaviour here, both SLZB-06 and SLZB-06M. Also using a Mac to access the devices. Once they are in a unresposive mode, I also cannot access them with my Windows box.


Same issue here for a few weeks already. SLZB-06 webui partially loads, but stops with a blank screen with a few menu items visible, the whole UI gets stuck.
Power cycle the device helps for a few days, then it fails to load again.
On Windows with chrome and edge, and on a Chromebook.

Same here on a SLZB-06P7 with v2.3.6, using a Mac but I don’t go to the UI unless there’s issues, and then it’s not responding so I do a power cycle.

Having similar issues with my 06M. The web ui sometimes loads up partially, but it takes a long time and isn’t really usable.

One update. I was trying this from my Win 11 system. I can test with my Mac if it happens again.

Thanks guys, I have made SMLIGHT aware of this thread, let see if they respond.


Just some observations if this is going to get SMLIGHT visibility, I only notice the WebUI unresponsive because my zigbee devices get slower and slower to respond (motion sensors activating lights).
I’m not sure if the WebUI is the cause or a memory leak is slowly degrading performance generally.

One thing I did last night was remove the SMLIGHT integration from HA, that is polling at intervals as below so could be an issue if one of the endpoints is not liking frequent access. Just a guess but I’d prefer stable zigbee to dashboard sensors so giving it a try, too early to determine if this fixes it.

SCAN_FIRMWARE_INTERVAL = timedelta(hours=6)
SCAN_INTERVAL = timedelta(seconds=300)
SCAN_INTERNET_INTERVAL = timedelta(minutes=15)
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I checked my 06m model this morning and it is doing the same webui connection issue. This is usually what shows up. I also have a slzb-06P7 (that hasn’t done it yet, but I just got it yesterday and am getting a different firmware crash issue on 2.5.8.)

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One other quick update. From the SMLIGHT HA integration, I did restart the Core firmware via the button, and the WebUI started working again.

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just had an email from SMLIGHT acknowledging the slow down / webui loading issue in 2.5.8, but they could not reproduce my issue in their 2.6.8 dev5 firmware, if any of you are happy to help test it, please contact Taras at [email protected] and link to this thread and ask if you can help test firmware 2.6.8 firmware.


yeah you can do that, but if you have first tried to load the webui it does not always work.

They provided me 2.6.8 dev9 this morning for my P7 model due to some weird firmware crashing issue. I will keep an eye on it’s webui.

I rebooted my 6M this morning (via the HA integration) and as of right now (about an hour later) the web ui issue is back, but it is still on 2.5.8.

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Same issues here (increasing response times after power-on). Reverted to firmware 2.3.6, that seems to have fixed it so far. Will report back if I my conclusion is too early… Reverting also seems to fix the incomplete website loading issue I had as well with the 2.5.8.

Running HA, Zigbee2MQTT and Eclipse Mosquitto in Docker on a Synology NAS. Using an SLZB-06 as coordinator using a wired (PoE) Ethernet connection.

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When I got up this morning, I checked my P7 running the 2.6.8 dev9 firmware, and the device was offline. Had to power cycle it and it came back up. May revert to 2.3.6 to get some stability.

I’m also having this problem. I reverted back to 2.3.6 this morning.

I’ve been using a P7 for a few months. Up until recently it was fine, but most recently I’ve had zigbee network slowdowns (~20 seconds to respond to commands), WebUI for the P7 being unavailable and things going unavailable overnight.

There is a thread on Z2M discussing this and someone else recently said that reverting 2.3.6 does seem to be a good idea.

After waking up to no lights this morning, I too have rolled back to 2.3.6, but it’s too soon to say if that fixes things.

I’ve been using my P7 with 2.3.6 only and have still been getting this issue.
I’ve tried uninstalling the SMLight integration from HA to see if that was the culprit but too early to say, interesting that the issue could also lie in Z2M.
I noticed it was a gradual slow down of responsiveness rather than it totally stopped functioning.

Good call on disabling the integration. I’ll try that too for an additional data point.

Completely anecdotal, but I don’t think I had this problem before the integration was released.


I disabled HA integration as well, but that didn’t stop my 06P7 from crashing. I sent an updated dump file this morning after I disabled HA integration, and my 06P7 stayed alive from about an hour before it crashed. I did a reset, and it stayed online for maybe 10 minutes before it crashed again. Hopefully they find out what is going on.

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I encountered the same issue two months ago after installing my new SLZB-06p7. Uninstalling the SMLight integration from HA resolved the problem for me, and I haven’t experienced any slowdowns since.