Hello all,
I have RFXCOM RFXtrx installed. Meanwhile, about 800 sensor.rm174rf_smoke_detector have been added while I have no smoke detectors at all. How can I remove them and make sure they don’t keep adding?
Hello all,
I have RFXCOM RFXtrx installed. Meanwhile, about 800 sensor.rm174rf_smoke_detector have been added while I have no smoke detectors at all. How can I remove them and make sure they don’t keep adding?
Not sure why it’s happening as I’m not at all familiar with that integration, but I found this in the docs:
I’d imagine disabling that would stop any more from being added.
Thanks, I’ll read it.
Have a nice day.
You need to uncheck the box for “enable automatic add”. This should only be checked when you are trying to add something new yourself, otherwise all your neighbors devices will be added.
Did you manage to remove these items? I have alot of neighbouring enities which I can’t seem to remove.
I would like to know how did that.
No, could not remove the unused items. I tried but no luck.
I had the same problem.
I just unchecked “Activate newly added entities” on the RFX433 configuration page.
Then I went on each RM174RF sensor and clicked on “Delete” under the three dots near “Device information”.
We’ll see if that’s enough in the future.