Smoke Sensor Heiman HS2SA-1 Zigbee

Hi there,

I have just recently purchased smoke sensor from Heiman, It is HS2SA-1.
I have managed to add the device to HA, but it doesn’t show any Sensors.

I had a look at thread for HS1SA, but that looks to behave differently.

Does anybody have the HS2SA-1 smoke detector working with HA?


That _TZE204_ai4rqhky model looks to be new so probably needs to be added to ZHA Device Handlers (also known as a “quirks”), see:

At least there is no existing device support request issues or pull request for a _TZE204_ai4rqhky model:

Read this for some additional information:

So do submit a new device support request issue for tracking and look into testing adding that model to the Tuya smoke ( ZHA Device Handler (quirk) and submit a pull request if you get it working:

Dont use zigbee home automation, use zigbee2mqtt, there are several videos, i.e.

I used zigbee home automation i think it is based on ZAH, and my motions sensor was not exposing values, so i use zigbee2mqtt, and it resolved my problem.

My Heiman smoke sensor is on the way, as soon i received, i will show you the setup.

@irtza This Zigbee section in Home Assistant community forum is meant to be about Home Assistantäs built-in ZHA integration (which is Home Assistant’s native Zigbee gateway component) → Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant

Zigbee2MQTT have their own community forum here → Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · Discussions · GitHub

Regesless, Zigbee2MQTT also need similar device handlers but they call them “converters” so if it exposes it means someone added it to their Tuya smoke device handler → Support new devices | Zigbee2MQTT