I’m writing an integration for bolid security system. It have a two wire bus for signal and power and many sensors. There is an ordinary sensors (temperature / humidity / current / voltage and other) and security. Security sensors is not a binary - they have a state integer field.
Smoke sensor can have many states: test, fire, dusted, lost, service required, bad power, armed/disarmed and many others. Door sensors have same configuration so I can’t just use binary_sensor platform. Is there platform more suitable for such hardware ?
But you will most likely not be able to use the predefined classes for you smoke detector.
If you’re writing an integration, I’d recomand to populate 2 sensors, a generic one for the “real” status and a binary one with device_class: smoke. That last one being fire = on, other = off.
The same applies to your door sensor: a generic sensor for detail but a binary sensor with device_class: door
Sounds reasonable. Is there any way to make a generic sensor with predefined states to convert numeric state into text string native ? Or this can be done by interface integrations ?
Please note that array starts at 0
So, if your integer is 0, this will return ‘test’ and so on.
If the integer field doesn’t start at 0, you can add a fake value as first one like ['', 'test', ... therefore 1 will be test.
If the integer field is not consecutive values, then prefer a if elif structure:
state: >
{% if integer field == 42 %}
{% elif integer field = 17 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
EDIT Or use a dictionnary
state: >
{% set human_status = ['17':'test', '42':'fire', '173':'dusted', ... ] %}
{{ human_status[integer field] if integer field in human_status.keys() else 'unknown' }}