Hi !
I‘m using HomeAssistant and had an issue with unavailable entities of my smoke sensors which are from Brennstuhl.
Because this seems to be related to my DSLite connection I‘m searching for new smoke sensors.
Also my last smoke sensors were using tuya cloud and tuya iot which is a bit complicated…
What I want:
- possibility to control the sirene (in case of a fire event I want to group all smoke sensors)
- temperature sensor (to be sent to my smartphone in case of a smoke event)
- no tuya devices
- 50€ per device or below
My system:
- hue bridge (Zigbee)
- wifi
Found smoke sensors:
- Shelly smoke (no control of Sirene)
- frient (possible with Hue Bridge ?!)
I‘m not sure if I can connect zigbee smoke sensors with my Philips Hue Bridge ?!