I would like to acquire smooth transition between RGB colors.
For example:
Run every 5 mins -> Check last RGB colors, choose new random colors -> make smooth transition between old colors to new colors.
I made this right now, and it works in templates, but I can’t get it to work in automations.
It is only for RED color right now, because I’m only testing…
{% set oldcolor_r = states.light.philips_ambilight.attributes.rgb_color[0] %}
{% set oldcolor_g = states.light.philips_ambilight.attributes.rgb_color[1] %}
{% set oldcolor_b = states.light.philips_ambilight.attributes.rgb_color[2] %}
{% set newcolor_r = (range(0, 255)|random) %}
{% if oldcolor_r < newcolor_r %}
{% for i in range(oldcolor_r, newcolor_r) %}
'{{i}}','{{ oldcolor_g }}','{{ oldcolor_b }}'
{% endfor %}
{% elif oldcolor_r > newcolor_r %}
{% for i in range(oldcolor_r, newcolor_r, -1) %}
'{{i}}','{{ oldcolor_g }}','{{ oldcolor_b }}'
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}