I’m a new user on home assistant and I was on domoticz. I want to do one thing is to send a sms on my phone when temperature is more than 20°C and display the text “La température est a plus de 20°C dans la chambre enfant” where “chambre enfant” is the name of the entity.
I’ve check the configuration to send a sms with Free Mobile and it’s ok but I don’t know how I can use it on this scenario on home assistant (it was easy on domoticz).
I use both Clicksend and Twilio to send SMS - but there are probably free options available including things like IOS Push notifications.
Once your integration is set up, use an automation to send the notification:
- alias: Hearbeat
initial_state: true
platform: time
at: '17:30:00'
service: notify.heartbeat
message: Reid St Hassio is up and running
This uses a time as a trigger, but your trigger will be when your sensor reaches a particular temp. You will need to do a bit of fiddling with turning the automation off so it only triggers the once, then turning back on when the temp drops below the threshold.