Have been trying a number of config setups but haven’t been able to get SMTP working. I have a local Postfix server, so want to have a simple connection between HA SMTP and Postfix.
Here’s the config I have copied from the help page…
# Example configuration.yaml entry for Google Mail.
platform: smtp
server: "smtp.gmail.com"
port: 587
timeout: 15
sender: "[email protected]"
encryption: starttls
username: "[email protected]"
password: "YOUR_PASSWORD"
- "[email protected]"
- "[email protected]"
sender_name: "SENDER_NAME"
My questions…
- Has anyone managed to get HA SMTP to work with Postfix?
- If the answer to above is yes, could you be so kind as to share your HA SMTP and Postfix config files i.e. the SMTP configuration.yaml and the Postfix /etc/postfix/main.cf and master.cf files.
I tried to start simple with the HA SMTP config… commenting out various options. See below…
# Example configuration.yaml entry for Google Mail.
- name: "email_server"
platform: smtp
server: "<IP Address here>"
port: 25
timeout: 15
sender: "[email protected]"
# encryption: starttls
# username: "[email protected]"
# password: "YOUR_PASSWORD"
- "[email protected]"
# - "[email protected]"
sender_name: "mr_sender"
But above didn’t work. So I figure there’s some things in the config that must be included… such as the username/password and probably the encryption.
I also tried connecting direct to my external email provider… here’s the config below.
- name: "Email_Server"
platform: smtp
server: "mail.cheaperdomains.com.au"
port: **465 or 995 (I tried both)**
timeout: 15
sender: "home.assistant@<mydomain>.com"
encryption: none
username: "<username>"
password: "<password>"
- "<recipient_email>"
sender_name: "Home_Assistant"
But above doesn’t work either? So I figure the issue is likely the human factor… what might I be doing wrong?