Snapcast not showing client name

Snapcast tiles show ‘snapcast_client_‘mac_address’’, they used to show the name of the client.
Any ideas on how to change it?

You can give it a friendly_name using the customize option

Yes thanks, I’ve done that once but it’s so time consuming and frustrating especially when Home Assistant used to show the friendly name. I chop and change the system quite regularly, so am constantly having to go back in and try and sort out the names. I’ve moved over to Mopidy-Iris now, the friendly names are listed and I also use the app when possible.
Thanks for taking the time to reply though. :slight_smile:

You should be able to change the names outside HA if you want. Here is the link for more information on how to do it:

@skalavala This does not work with hass though. Look at the code here:

The snapcast component uses the ID as the name instead of using the friendly name which is also provided by the library from @happyleaves:

Is there a reason for that? Otherwise I would like to open a PR to change the behaviour.