I’d love to have a place where everyone can add snippets (code, packages, instructions, etc) - complete (i.e. instructions on how to implement an idea) or not (i.e. just an idea). For example, there is a Ring doorbell component development. I’d like to see how people are using it and even how people are thinking of using - all in one place where people can help refine or complete what was added. This will help everyone build better automations, stop redundant questions in forums and gitter, etc.
So, how about a snippets library like this:
If you like the idea and establish a place, I can start contributing.
We have the Cookbook/Examples section on ha.io. There are no limitations or restrictions how the content should look like. At the moment the comment feature is deactivated there. We could activate it or people could just open a topic here that links to the their example.
That’s good for a small amount of examples but wouldn’t it become unruly quickly once many people start submitting? How do you quickly find what your looking for once you get over 100 submissions?
I was thinking more like this:
With the ability to quickly tag, search, submit, and edit tons of examples. Those examples wouldn’t only stop at packages but could be any snippet (code, instructions, etc).
I can invite you as a member if you’d like to test it out (just send me your email address).
@JesseWebDotCom & @fabaff – I’m all for either the cookbook growing immensely or perhaps the snippets library! I think the snippets library via gistbox or another service may be best though to avoid overload on the cookbook page.
I’d like to make snippet contributions (initial, edits, comments, etc) as easy as using this forum.
So perhaps this forum can serve as the snippets library? Maybe a new category with some fixed subcategories? Then you won’t need to setup and manage a whole new system like gistbox.